Chapter 34 - What Comes Next?

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"It's raining again." You spoke softly, eyes focused on your hospital window.

"Yeah, it's been raining all week." Itona replied from beside you as he looked up from his book.

Itona and Terasaka had been the only ones to visit you after the whole incident, not even Karma had come.

You couldn't bring yourself to actually be surprised about it, you knew that the moment that they knew about your secret it would be over.

You had no one else to blame but yourself, if you would have been upfront with it from the beginning they would have accepted you from the start, but you didn't. You lied to their faces about everything, so now you pay the price.

Your once kind and welcoming family had now disowned you. Like everyone else in your life.

Once again your alone.

You're back to where you once was.

But you guess it isn't that bad, your boys are still by your side, which makes everything less awful.

"Terasaka's brings food." Itona said, grabbing your attention. "(Favorite Food)."

You didn't have the appetite to eat, but you ate anyways to not worry your friends.

"That sound great." You smiled, but your smile was hollow. It was an upfront, it didn't mean anything.

Itona took notice but didn't comment, just nodded his head and continued reading.

The boy knew that you weren't okay.

Physically, you're great. Everything has healed and the doctors said that you could be discharged soon.

But mentally?

You were a wreak.

You would cry in your sleep praying, begging for your classmates to come back.

For Karma to not leave you.

Panick attacks would happen frequently.

Scared about what you may do to yourself Terasaka and him decided to stay with you until your mental health was better.

Kurasuma and Irina have been sorting things out the government so the class was given a week off.

It was a much needed break after everything that has happened.

Many were left traumatized, so therapy was offered.

Maybe they should convince you to go.

"Foods here nerds, so eat the f*ck up." Terasaka barged into the room.

"Please be mindful, people are sleeping." Itona scolded the boy.


Plopping down on your bed Terasaka handed you your plate.

"Eat so you can get better quickly and we can leave, smells like dead people in here."

Without a word you ate your food.

You hated how blanded it tasted in your mouth.


Karma stared blankly at the ceiling.

He was once again at his old house. He couldn't go back your apartment.

It just didn't feel right.

Honestly, he wasn't mad that you are an assassin, he kinda found it appealing.

He was mad that you didn't tell him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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