Chapter 23: The Assassins

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With his quick thinking Karasuma pulled both boys behind him but the smoke that the mask man triggered hit the government agent. Karasuma end a kick towards the man, but said man dodged the incoming attacked backing away.

"How did you know?" The mysterious man asked pulling down his mask. "When I hide my bloodlust, everyone turns a blind eye to me. So, how did you figure it out?"

A sly smirk formed on your face as you place a hand on your hip. "I wasn't that hard, really. You're the one who served us drinks back at the beach." You began to explain.

"And it's quite odd that you appeared here and attacked us. On top of that, the substance that you used on Mr. Karasuma is the same substances that you used on my classmates" You said pointing at Karasuma, who was standing up with the help of two of the students. "Which makes you sir, the culprit!"

The man chuckled, impressed by your detective skills. "Your one smart kid, girly. The name's Smog." The man, now known as Smog, introduced. "As much a I would love too, I won't let you kiddos leave."

"Actually, the one won't be able to leave is you." Smog looked at you confused, your smirk only grew wider. "You see, while we were talking my classmates closed off all your escaped rotes leaving you trapped like a small rat."

You slowly began to make your way towards the man. "One of your biggest mistakes you made tonight, was messing with our friends."

You kneed the man in the face, knocking him unconcise.

"That was so badass (Y/N)!" Sugino cheered. You rubbed the back of your neck as you felt your cheeks heat up, and not just because of the fever that was slowly consuming your body.

"Sorry if I went a little overboard."

The two students that was helping Karasuma sat him down in a nearby couch. Your classmates were concerned for their teacher, he was breathing heavily and sweating a lot.

"The inheld a lot of that poisoned smoke, I don't think I'm able to keep going." Karasuma admitted to the group. "You have to go on without me."

"We can't do that sir!" Nagisa exclaimed. "We need you!"

The man's dark eyes meet your (E/C) orbs. "(Y/N), you're in charge."

You were shock. You knew Karasuma didn't trust you, so why would he put you in charge. It didn't make sense.

"Why me?" You questioned. "Why not Koro-sensei, Nagisa, Karma, anybody in this room is fit to lead the group, so why pick me?"

Karasuma sighed before coughing feeling his throat burn. "Your mind is sharp, and you have great observant skills. Your every calm and collective under pressure, and it seems you know what your doing. Nobody can do this but you, I'm putting the lives of your classmates in your hands. Are you willing to lead them?"

You were a little unsure of yourself, but there was thing you were certain of and that you would risk your life for your classmates.

"All right, I'll get them to the top of the hotel and grab the antidote. So, in the mean time please sit tight, leave it up to us."

Time Skip

Your group and you managed to safely make to the Lookout Hallway. You walked in front of the group looking for any other assassins. Right when you turned the corner you immediately noticed a very large blonde male leaning against one of the glasses windows. You stopped in your tracks and signal the others to do the same. As your classmates whispered among themselves of how enormous the guy was your mind recalled you read about him.

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