Chapter 12: Let's Play Ball (Part 1)

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(Nagisa's POV)

"Finally this rainy season is over." Sugino said as he put his hands over his head.

"Gonna get hot soon." I commented.

"Yeah, let go outside more. I want to be more active, ya know." Sugino said.

"Sounds good, you know I'm down." I said.

"Hey guys, wait for me!" We looked back and saw (Y/N) running towards our direction. "Do you mind if I walk with y'all?" She asked.

"Not at all." I said as Sugino nodded.
(Y/N) smiled and walked beside Karma.

"What would the three of you say if we go fishing?" Karma asked.

"Fishing? That sounds like fun. What catches are there?" I asked.

"Summer is the season for fresh delinquents." Karma said as he sprouted horns and a tail. "We'll use Nagisa as bait and lure them in one by one." Karma said as he devilishly smiled.

"I didn't know there was a delinquent season?" I said as I sweat dropped, (Y/N) chucked a bit from my reaction.

"But I'm not kidding, let's do something." Sugino exclaimed.

"Maybe we can go to the beach." (Y/N) suggested.

"Yeah, that would be a great idea." Sugino suddenly stopped walking and looked at the baseball field were the baseball players were practicing. The players noticed Sugino and walked uo to him.

"Hey, Sugino! What's up?" One of the baseball players said.

"Hey guys." Sugino said as he walked up to the fence. Sugino was part of the baseball team before he got kicked out when he got bunked to E-Class.

They were talking about the tournament that will happen next week. We can't really participate in it, though we do get to play against the baseball team.

"You have no idea how jealous we are of you man."

"You get to be in E-Class, goofing off all day while we have to work are butts off." Two of Sugino's ex-team members said.

"We work just as hard as everyone else." (Y/N) said as she stood by Sugino's side. "So don't just assume we goof off and play around, dumb-ass" A dark aura seemed to form around her as she spoke.

"What you say you bitch!" One of the members yelled at (Y/N).

"You heard me." She replied back.

"Why you-" The guys was cut off by the team leader.

"I like girls like you." The leader said. "Let's make a deal, if we win the game I get to go on a date with doll-face over there." He said as he pointed at (Y/N). "And if you win then we'll expect that y'all are better than us." He said as he smiled wickedly? "What do you say?"

"Hey! You can't just-" (Y/N) began but got cut off.

"Okay, we'll do it." Sugino said.

"WHAT?!" (Y/N) yelled in disbelief.

"Good," The leader looked at (Y/N) with a smirk. "Be prepare to go on the date, love." And with that they left. Sugino quickly turn around and faced

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