"See you in group therapy, I guess?"

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"I said don't come any closer!" Luke's deep voice boomed and advanced towards Ashton.

"Lucas Hemmings!" Another voice called and Luke stopped dead in his tracks and looked at the opening of the room. In the large doorway stood two muscular guys and one woman in black shirts, pants, and jackets. On their belts hung certain equipment which could've been tazers or tranquilizers, but all I could focus on the black guns in their hands.

"I'm going to ask you once to stop and come here, Lucas. But only once." The woman spoke calmly. She had long blonde hair put up into a high ponytail.

"Or what?" Luke snapped and crossed his arms.

"Or we'll have to shoot you." She said and the others who were pressed against the wall on the other side of room gasped and started to murmur. Dramatic? I think so. Im pretty sure she purposely paused just to make it dramatic. I think to myself. She made an up and down gesture with her hand as if patting a dog on the head. "Calm down, all of you and let me finish what I was saying. Yes, we will shoot if we need to, but they're only sedatives. Now Lucas, you either come here calmly or we will have to go with the latter."

Luke tucked his black lip ring between his teeth and I could see the indecision flash in his blue eyes. All I could hope was that he chose to just walk up to them. I never meant for him to rage like that. I hadn't meant to bump the table, honestly, I hadn't. But no matter what I did, I couldn't get what he said out of my head.

"You stupid little bitch. You're so fucking worthless."

I couldn't get the words out of my head. Those are the exact words my mother used to say to me. I huddled myself closer to the wall as Luke continued to peer at the security guards. Finally I saw his shoulders relax and he stepped towards them. As the two men grabbed each of his arms, the woman whispered loud enough for me to hear, "We'll give you your medication then you're off to bed, alright?" To which Luke solemnly nodded his head.

As they rounded the corner, I felt a hand lightly graze my arm and jump and spin to see that it's only Farrah, who's blue eyes are clouded with worry. "I'm sorry you had to be a victim of one of Luke's outrages. I should've warned you or something about him. He'll be fine one moment, then something little happens, and he goes off. Did you do anything that set him off? I know it sounds like I'm blaming you, but I'm not. I swear." She gives a small half-lipped smile.

I fiddle with the bottom of my gray t-shirt. Had she already forgotten I didn't talk? I gesture to the table with the stack of scattered blocks and hope she doesn't just think that the stack toppled over.

She laid her hand on my arm so light, like the kiss of a feather against my skin, "It's not your fault. Please don't ever take what he says during his outbursts to heart. He never ever means them. Trust me, I've been in the same spot before as you and it was way worse when I came, but that's most definitely not the point." I guess she didn't get what I meant, but that's alright.

I give her a small smile. I look around the room to see someone had put the table back in its place, put away the Jenga blocks, and everyone had gone back to their activities. "You're welcome to come play cards with me and Chloe and Michael." She offers kindly but I shake my head and her smile slowly vanishes like steam from a hot cup of tea. "Alright. Well, all I can say is to try and find something to do, read a book maybe, just stay out of trouble." She glances at a clock on the wall. "We only have like, ten minutes left of free time before its off to medicine time. Just remember, if you need anything, you know where to find me." She says before turning and heading back to a corner in the room where Chloe and Michael sit Indian style on the floor.

I sighed quietly and glanced around the room. So Luke was bipolar? Or was he just easily set off? I ran my hand through my hair. I felt a hand on my arm and I turned around to see a very tan boy with blonde streaks in his dark brown bangs. Calum. I suddenly remembered.

"Hey Winter. You okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice clearly. I nodded my head slowly to which he smiled. "Good. I'm glad you didn't get hurt. Luke is bipolar, if you couldn't tell. He doesn't mean to go off like that." I nodded as he repeated to me what I already knew from Farrah, not to mention the fact I could perfectly relate.

He cleared his throat and smiled wider, his eyes crinkling at the edges, like cracks in clay. "So do you never talk?" I nodded my head. "Doesn't it ever get tiresome? Not being able to communicate for anything?" I just shrugged as I looked closer at Calum. He was really cute, his accent fitting him perfectly. I saw a few black lines peeking out of the edge of his shirt to which I pointed at. "These?" He asked as he moved his shirt to the side, revealing a feather and a date in roman numerals. "I have more!" he seemed to get excited as he lifted his shirt sleeve to show an indian tattoo on his upper arm, a horseshoe and some sort of line on his forearm, and a bird with a name on the back of his forearm.

"One more!" he said and showed me his hand, which had initials on it. I looked at his tattoos fondly, tracing along them lightly. I always loved tattoos, but my mother forbid them. "That's my sister's name," he pointed to the name tattooed below the bird. "Mali-koa. She's a really good singer." He ran his fingers through his hair which had the blonde streaks in it. "And if you're wondering, no, I'm not Asian." to which I loudly giggled.

He smiled brightly, showing off his perfectly aligned teeth. He opened his mouth to say something, but instead a short bell, almost like the ones back in high school, went off. "That's our signal to go. Now it's off to medicine and group therapy!" He said in a faux excited tone and rolled his eyes. I stifled a giggle. I kinda enjoyed being around Calum.

"See you in group therapy, I guess?" He gave me a real smile and I nodded.

"Alright Missus Flirty Pants let's go!" Farrah said as she grabbed my elbow and steered me off to our room. I can't even talk, how am I flirting? I laughed to myself.
"You wont get any new pills until the papers go through. Like the papers with all your information and stuff. So, you'll probably get them tomorrow." Farrah explained after downing the four pills in her hand. "The more problems you have though, the more pills. which sucksssss." She made a disgusted face. She swiped her hands together, as if wiping something off them. "Now it's off to group therapy!" She said and grabbed my elbow once again.

She took one left and one right before coming to a silver medal door. She opened it and inside there were nine chairs. Chloe, Kaitlynn, and Michael were already seated, along with a lady who had light brown hair pulled into a neat bun who I hadn't seen before. They all greeted us(or maybe just Farrah) as we walked in. Farrah plopped down beside Kaitlynn, patting the seat next to her while smiling at me.

"All we have left is Calum, Lucas, and Ashton correct?" The lady asked as she pulled out a pair of glasses and rested them on her nose.

"Yes m'am." Farrah nodded.

"Do any of you know what happened with Mr. Hemmings earlier today? I never did get the details." The lady said and peered at all of us. Everyone pointed at me. "Well, what happened?" she asked curiously and I began to pick at my fingernails.

When she finally raised an eyebrow at my Farrah intervened. "Winter doesn't talk Mrs. Helen. So I'll just have to tell you what I know. Well I think Winter accidentally knocked over the Jenga stack her and Lucas were playing," she looked at me and I nodded in approval. "and he suddenly flipped out, calling her name, flipping over the table, all that." Farrah shrugged, but her cheery tone never changing.

"Thank you for that Miss Wilson." Mrs. Helen said as she scribbled something down onto the notebook in her lap.

"We have arrived!" Announced Calum loudly as he, Ashton, and Lucas came through the door.

"Finally!" Kaitlynn whined.

"We were waiting forever!" Chloe added.

"Well not exactly forever but," Michael shrugged and looked at Chloe and winked, which made her pale cheeks flare.

"Alright boys, take a sit so we can get started." Mrs. Helen said.

Don't sit by me. Please don't sit by me. I chanted in my head as I kept my eyesight away from Luke's. As I stared intently at the ground I spotted a pair of black vans shuffled beside me.

"Hey Winter." I heard an all too familiar voice beside me say.

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