The Newbie

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"We'll go get our food then you can sit with me and my friends. There's also not a lot of people who are in here. It's not like a prison or anything, but yeah we only have, uh probably the most we have is like twenty-five." Farrah said as we walked over to a short lunch line. A tall lady with red hair in a neat bun handed me a tray with some type of pudding, a cup of fruits, a grilled cheese sandwich, and a bowl of tomato soup. Quite the dinner.

Farrah led me to a table with three girls and three boys. Farrah sat beside a girl with long black hair as I sat beside her. "Guys." Farrah gained everyone's attention. "This is Winter. She doesn't talk so don't be upset if she doesn't really reply."

"Hey Winter." Said all the girls while the guys waved.

"Hey! It's a Newbie!" A dirty blonde whooped as he grinned wildly which earned a death glare Farrah.

"So let me make introductions. Okay Winter, this is Kaitlynn." She pointed at the girl with black hair. "That's Valerie." She motioned to a brunette with a cute pixie cut which she surprisingly pulled off really well. "And that's Chloe." She motioned to a strawberry blonde that sat next to Valerie. They all waved at me and I slightly smiled.

"Okay so now the boys." She rubbed her hands together as if warming them. "So that's Michael with the bright red looking hair." She teased. "Then there's Calum, he's Asi-"

"Farrah you know good and well I'm not Asian!" The boy interrupted her quickly.

She giggled. "Sorry Calum. Anyways, then there's Ashton the dirty blonde, who RUDELY called you a Newbie, and, wait, where's Luke at?"

"Luke is at counseling right now." The boy, Michael I think it was, said as he stuffed a bite of pizza into his mouth. I quickly looked down at my plate, realizing I hadn't taken a bite. All the boys had familiar accents but i couldn't place my finger on what it was.

"Seriously? He's always at counseling it seems like. Oh, Winter? You have to eat all of it. If you don't they make you do more activities and it's not fun." Farrah pouted and picked up a white plastic spoon and dipped it into the open pudding cup.

Everyone stared at me as if they were so intrigued on if I was going to eat or not. I hated that though. I hated being stared at in general, as if they could see my every flaw and it freaked me out. I also didn't like being stared at while I ate because I mean c'mon on now, that's a little freakish.

"Guys stop staring at her. I don't think she'll eat unless you stop." Valerie commented. A few "sorry"s were muttered and everyone returned back to their own tray of food. I silently thanked her a thousand times.

I took a small bite of my pizza as I looked around the small lunch table. I almost choked when I saw him.

"Luke!" Ashton cheered as the blonde haired boy set his tray down.

"Hey." He mumbled as he sat down. He looked up and we locked eyes. He glanced back and forth between me and Farrah. "Is someone going to introduce us or?"

"Oh right! Luke, this is Winter. Winter, this is Luke. Oh, Winter doesn't talk just to let you know." Farrah said and returned back to her tray.

He smiled at me. He didn't even seem real. His blonde hair was quiffed up, he had the bluest eyes, and he had a black lip ring. He almost seemed as fake as- I shook my head. No. I can't say her name. She's not real, but Luke is. As long as I know she's not real, she can't be, right? Don't say her name and she won't be there, because she's not real.

All too soon I heard laughter like bells. I turned my head to the right and saw her, with her bright blonde hair that seemed almost white, blue eyes, and a pale face. "Miss me much?" She smiled wide enough for her eyes to crinkle at the corners.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my spoon into the pudding cup. "Why won't you talk to me? C'mon, it wasn't little ole Annabelle's fault." She pouted and crossed her arms.

I continued to ignore her and finished my tray off. She pleaded, "Winter, honey, I'm the only one you have! You can't abandon me."

I snapped her a hard glare as if to say "watch me" as I got up to throw the excesse trash on my tray away. "Winter, seriously? You haven't talked in like a year! Talk to me, darling." She stroked my hair.

I quickly swatted her hand away and placed the tray on a cart and stormed off towards the table. As I sat down I silently sighed in relief when I realized she had left again.

"So Winter, I'm guessing you'll want to know a bit about all of us?" Farrah smiled. I shrugged. "Okay well Valerie, do you want to start?"

Valerie nodded as she placed her tray on top of Calum and Michael's. "Okay, uh, Farrah, we have group tomorrow you know. I'm sure she doesn't mind to wait."

"Oh, true, you don't mind waiting till tomorrow then?" Farrah raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. "I'll take that as a you don't mind. Okay guys, free time!" She smiled widely and Ashton quickly collected everyone's trays and went to put them on the cart.

I raised an eyebrow up at Farrah. "Oh free time is in this large room and there's an XBox and books to read and this large couch with a flat screen tv. It's great actually."

I nodded my head and followed along behind everyone as they walked towards the free time room or whatever it was called. I had a feeling that this was place wasn't as bad as I thought it would've been.

I most definitely was pissed off at my
mother though. I may not hate it here, yet at least, but she had no right to send me here. Perhaps she'll get tired of not having to yell at anyone when she got back home, considering the fact I happened to be an only child. Thank God for that though, even though I know my mother secretly wished she had another kid. She'd probably pick him or her as her favorite, the old, grouchy bitch.

hey! so thats chapter two but not NEARLY as long as the first chapter. this chapter ended a bit weird but thats okay(:

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