The Beginning

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"This is Winter Brooke Anderson, and I'm her mother, Adrienne Blair Anderson. I said I would be bringing my daughter in today." My mother smoothed out the non existant wrinkles in her light gray pencil skirt.

The woman behind the bleached white desk adjusted her glasses and squinted at the screen. "Oh yes, Miss Anderson. Miss Jamie will show you to your room." She motioned to a short, chubby, black woman.

"Goodbye. Get better." My mother lightly kissed my forehead. "I'll see you in a few months." She waved at me before quickly turning on her black high heels and out the door.

"Follow me." Jamie smiled as I walked behind her. "You're Winter right?" I nodded my head. "Beautiful name." She smiled at me but I just glanced at her. "Not a talker eh? That's alright. There was a boy here a few months ago that never talked either so I just learned to figure out facial expression and such." She lightly laughed.

I nodded my head and scrunched my face as I took in my surroundings. Just like in the movies, the walls and floors and ceilings were all pure white. My nose and eyes slightly stung from the smell of the bleach like scent, kind of like how a regular hospital smells.

We came up to a white metal door with a square window at eye level. "This is your room. You'll be sharing it with another girl. Her names Farrah." Jamie smiled at me.

"Miss Jamie!" A girl slid open the small square window and beamed at Jamie.

"Hello Farrah. This is your roommate, Winter. She doesn't talk much." Jamie smiled and the girl named Farrah glanced at me.

"Well get her in here! It's so lonely!" Farrah laughed as Jamie unlocked the metal door.

Farrah had long red hair with bright sky blue eyes. One dimple stuck out on her right cheek every time she smiled, which also made dark laugh lines crinkle at the corner of her eyes.

I quietly padded into the bright white room. "Miss Farrah take good care of her." Jamie laughed.

"I can do that!"

"Good! See you two later for your medicine." Jamie smiled and shut the door as I heard the lock click into place.

"So you're Winter? That's a pretty name. You're bed is the one on the left. I'm Farrah, obviously. Whatcha in here for?" She smiled as she talked.

It's not that I couldn't talk, it's just, I had my reasons.

She scrunched her eyebrows together. "Miss Jamie was right. You don't talk. Me and Miss Jamie are really close. I've been here for uh, a month? Yeah, a month. Do you want to know what I'm in here for?"

I walked over and placed the two duffel bags I forgot I was carrying onto the bed which surprise, surprise had white sheets and white pillows. I sat down and shrugged. I didn't really care, yeah I was interested but oh well.

"You shrugged! Yay!" She clapped in excitement that I had responded in some way. "Okay, well I have this severe nightmare disorder and in there jumps my pseudohallucination disorder. When I wake up from the nightmare the hallucinations kick in and make it seems that my nightmare came to life and I try to fight it and at home I would break glasses and just throw things and it got out of hand." She picked at her fingernails.

I gave her a sympathetic look. "It's okay. My parents thought it would be a good idea to put me in here." She sadly laughed. "But oh well, it's not bad here. Why don't you speak? I mean we're going to be rooming together. Can't you at least whisper to me?" She begged.

I shook my head and she sighed. "Well I kinda want to get to know each other so uh well I'm Farrah, even though you already knew that, but my full name is Farrah Chloe Olson, eighteen, my favorite color is electric blue, I like pandas because they're so cute, and hmm, oh I'm single. My ex boyfriend dumped me when he found out about my issue and that I was going to the looney bin. That's pretty much everything. I'll try to guess you're favorite things." She smiled at me.

"So, your age, are you sixteen?" I shook my head. "Seventeen?" That's when I nodded. "Oh that's cool. I feel bad that you're in here so young. Actually you really aren't that young but oh well. Oh, once we had a twelve year old but that was a long time ago, okay anyways back on topic. Favorite color, is it red?" I shake my head. "Yellow?" Another shake. "Green?" Another shake. "Blue?" Another shake. "Okay what about purple?" I nod my head. "So is it regular purple?" Another shake. "Okay is it like light purple?" I scrunched up my nose. "Dark purple?" I nod my head. "Ooh I like your color choices cadette!" She slightly laughed.

"So, favorite animal? That'll be hard to guess. Can you give me some kind of silent charade or?"

I bit down on my lip as I thought of how I should react. I shrugged and barred my teeth and put my hands up like they had claws. "Oh! Oh! Is it a bear?" I shook my head. "A dog?" I tilted my hand back and forth in a "kind of" way sign. "Okay so it's kinda like a type of canine?" I nodded. "A wolf!" I nodded vigorously and I smiled. I literally loved wolves so much. "That's cool! Wolves are cute."

"So..." She cleared her throat awkwardly. "Do you talk through like paper? I mean like write things down?" I shrugged. Rarely do I do that either.

She sighed. "I hope you know you couldn't bring your own toothbrush and shavers." I nodded. I had gotten a list of things to bring and things not to bring.

"Do you happen to know what time it is?" I nodded. I happened to see the time as I saw an electric clock on the desk that read 5:45 pm so I estimated that it was probably 5:55 pm now. I held up a 5 and then two more 5's with my fingers and she nodded. "We have dinner in five minutes. I'm going to guess you're ready?" I nodded my head.

She smiled, "I like your hair by the way. It's pretty." I smiled at her compliment. My hair was a sort of dark brown at the top but I had it dyed into a blonde ombre a few days before I had gotten the news that I was being shipped off to here.

"Okay, let me get Miss Jamie so we can go to lunch." She smiled and walked over to the metal door and opened up the square window. "Hey Kevin! Get Miss Jamie for me! Me and my roommate want to eat!" I smiled at how she talked like we both wanted the same thing. Soon enough Miss Jamie unlocked the door.

"Hon, you are so impatient! I was gon' come getchu once 6:00 rolled around." She shook her head as she lead us down a long (what color? You guessed it!) white hallway.

"I know but we're hungry." Farrah complained.

Miss Jamie cocked her eyebrow up. "She told you she was hungry?"

"Well no, I just had to assume."

"Uh-huh. Well have fun darling! Meet some new people." Miss Jamie smiled at me and patted my shoulder lightly before walking off.


Well that's the end of chapter one! I hope you guys enjoy this fanfic so far. Don't worry, Luke and the boys come in the next chapter!

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