Island and Action

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Kiss me, beneath the milky twilight


Noah didn't look up from his book, splayed out on a deckchair by the pool at Playa De Losers, enjoying every last second of his hard-earned solitude before the owner of the high-pitched voice reached him.


This time, Noah reacted a little, lifting his gaze from the current chapter to peer over the book at one out-of-breath Cody.

"Cody." He said, his tone flat, trying to show that he was not in the mood for another round of video games or whatever else that Cody had come to bother him about.

Although the pair of them had been on the same team on the Island, they really hadn't had much time to get to know each other in the cabins. The few days after the dreaded awake-a-thon, Noah had purposely avoided the gap-toothed brunette out of embarrassment. Then Noah's early elimination had happened, and he'd thought that would be it, but no, freaking Chris McLean thought torturing them on a crazy summer camp island wasn't enough, he'd lump them all together at some resort too until he was satisfied.

The upside to all this hassle was that Noah had actually made some friends along the way. Sure, he hadn't won $100,000 or started dating a supermodel (not Justin!) but getting the chance to just chill out with each other and less back-stabbing and tactics had made most of them get along. Izzy and Eva had kept him sane amongst these other teens, somehow, which was pretty rich coming from Izzy. He knew he'd keep in contact with them, even when he went home. Plenty of the guys had turned out to be ok too, Trent and DJ, and to his biggest surprise, a party boy like Geoff actually enjoyed his company too. And even though Owen was still in the competition, Noah was rooting for him, favouring the large boy after the few jokes they'd gotten to share.

Cody was another one that he'd quickly became close with, after their time on the Island. When Cody had arrived, practically tipped off of the boat still in his wheelchair and wrapped up like a mummy, Noah had felt that sorry for him he'd actually helped the nerd out. It wasn't like Justin or Ezekiel were going to, and even though Tyler tried his best to be useful, he was basically a walking hazard and probably would have killed Cody by accident. So, Noah had spent weeks hanging out with Cody, talking about video games and music and just about everything else under the sun. True to his word, Cody had healed fast. One minute Noah was carrying his lunch tray for him and wheeling the chair into the shade, the next Cody was free from his casts, bouncing about and speeding off to the pool ahead of Noah. And if that made Noah smile, he sure wasn't going to tell anyone.

"Heeey, earth to Noah?!" Cody was waving his hand in front of Noah's face, blocking out the last of the evening light that he'd been reading by.

"I'm busy." Noah rolled his eyes. "Let me finish this, then I'll come do whatever it is you want me to." Then he thought for a second. "Maybe." Just to be sure.

"But this is important." Cody pouted, pushing Noah's legs over and perching on the end of the lounger.

"Kosmic Kaos isn't that important." Noah deadpanned.

"I'm not here to ask you to play a game with me, jeez!" Cody shook his knee, relentless on pestering him it seemed.

"Fine." Noah gave in, bookmarking his page and lowering the book. "What do you want?"

"You don't have to be so grumpy, I thought we were cool." Cody huffed, putting his chin in his hands and looking over to the pool, where Katie and Sadie were still on the inflatable chairs and giggling about whatever amused them.

Kiss me, beneath the milky twilight. (A noco fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now