Aloha, finale.

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Noah was pacing back and forth on the sands, biting his nails.

He was on edge, nerves high at watching Alejandro and Cody battle on that shaky raft. The three finalists and Sierra had made it to Hawaii, and now Cody and Alejandro had to fight for second place. He was terrified for Cody right now, he wasn't the strongest dude in the world, and didn't stand a chance against a buff muscled beast like Alejandro.

But he was also shaking in his boots about what he'd say to Cody when he finally got to speak to him privately, how to even approach him.

"You're disarmed, and now dis-platformed!" Alejandro's snide voice grated Noah's ears.

"Cody!" Sierra screamed from nearby, and Noah watched, eyes wide with fear as his former teammate smacked Cody into the shark infested waters with no care whatsoever.

Noah was frozen, his feet unwilling to move as Cody swam frantically for the shore. Sierra, ever the first to save Cody, reacted instantly, wheeling to the ocean and doing her best to rescue him. Noah was hot on her tail, as well as most of the others, worried for their friend.

Cody lay flat on the sand, coughing up seawater and dry heaving, as Sierra came back to his side and Noah sank to his knees in front of him.

"Shit, Cody." He panted, trying to lift him gently.

"Don't!" Harold was quick on the scene, muttering something about first aid camp and thumping Cody on the back. Noah grimaced as Cody puked to his side, accepting the bottle of water from Gwen.

"Urgh, guess I'm out." Cody wheezed at last, slumping onto his side, instinctively resting his head against Noah's thigh. "Oh, shit, sorry." He realised his actions, and went to move, but Noah held him down gently.

"Yep, it's between those two demons now." Noah replied.

"Go Heather." Cody smiled weakly and finger gunned up at him.

Noah felt his heart burn at such a small slip of a smile from the other. Maybe he still had a chance.

"Hey Noah." Cody greeted him quietly, looking up at Noah with his red-rimmed eyes.

"Hey Cody." Noah spoke softly, stroking his sandy cheek. He hadn't seen the other in person in weeks, and this all felt so much at once.

Cody beamed up at him, clearly not seeming outraged at Noah. Hopefully that meant he'd realised that Alejandro had been lying by now.

"Hands off my husband! Ohhhh, I'm so mad at you Noah!" Sierra broke the moment, her arms crossed, huffing at the boy.

"Oh, what for?" Noah rolled his eyes sarcastically. Had she finally gotten a clue?

"Cody told me what happened between you two."

Cody smiled sheepishly, sitting up out of Noah's lap. "Sierra..."

"Everything?" Noah wanted to know how much Cody had actually revealed.

"Everything." She looked ready to bite his head off.

"Everything, plane hold, everything?" Noah teased.


"Oh, cool." Noah laughed. She looked furious. "I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not."

"Sierra, we talked about this, chill." Cody cut in between the two. "Sorry, but she deserved to know. She's my best friend." Cody shot a look to Noah.

"Best friend?" Noah was a little surprised at that, but he could see the fondness Cody had for her now. He still believed that Cody wasn't into her, whether she did or not.

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