Slap slap revolution

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World Tour had to have been thought up by a demon.

Or well, Chris Mclean, and that's the same thing, right?

So far, they'd been to Egypt, Japan, the Yukon, New York City and had now survived an avalanche in the German Alps. Noah had sung more than he ever had wanted to in his life, and with each passing challenge, his suspicion of his teammate Alejandro's true intentions grew stronger.

He just didn't trust the guy at all.

Cody had been put in another team, one full of girls, and his stalker was worse than they thought, never letting Cody be alone. Cody had kept up his cool-kid persona that he was awful at. His blatant flirting with Gwen continued, although he'd texted Noah a heads up before the show started that he would be doing it, which Noah had appreciated. Gwen had agreed to go along with the charade, knowing that it would help quench all the homophobic rumours going around about Cody right now. Not that Noah had even had much of a chance to see him, what with Team Amazon winning so much and being up in first class most of the time. Noah missed him, even though they were still on one small little plane together. Noah promised himself that when this was over, no more excuses, their thing was getting talked about!

Chris had announced possibly the most disgusting challenge so far, stuffing giant sausages. Izzy kept Noah busy, and he got to make a joke to Cody, saying that Cody had a tiny sausage and making him blush. Noah felt quite pleased with himself for the quip until Cody pointed out that Noah's team didn't even have a sausage, thanks to Owen going above and beyond on the disgustingness, by eating the raw sausage meat. Somehow, they'd still beaten Team Amazon down the hill by riding Owen, and yes, Noah never thought he'd have to say that.

Now, Noah stood on some stupid dance mat in a heavy metal hat, and this was probably the first time in weeks he'd been within arms reach of Cody without Sierra being there too. He let out a laugh at the pitiful sight, Cody trying his best to pull down the shorts of the lederhosen.

"How's the hosen treatin' ya?" Noah couldn't resist. As hilarious as the outfit was, with the matching little hat and clippy shoes, Cody did look pretty freaking cute at the same time.

"Urgh, I think my wedgie has a wedgie!" Cody groaned back, still pulling awkwardly at his clothes.

Noah laughed again, and feeling cheeky, winked at the other boy. If that part even aired, it would hopefully just look like he was making fun of Cody. Cody reddened at the gesture, but began to smile back bashfully, and Noah was ready to tease him some more, but a blast of Chef and his mega-horn interrupted them.

Noah did his best to keep up with the dance moves, all while picking up on Alejandro being a smarmy bastard to Leshawna. When he heard the outcry from the Heather about the exchanges, it seemed that she was on the ball as per usual too.

"What's with you and Leshawna? Giving the enemy a pep talk? Not cool." Noah couldn't believe the gall of this douchebag, eager to ruin his own teams chances of winning just to flirt with a girl. Good luck to her, the last girl that Alejandro had wanted was eliminated that day.

"Very perceptive my brilliant teammate." Urgh, even his bullshit tone made Noah want to puke. "I'm working an angle that will benefit the whole team. That had better be the reason you're winking at Cody, right Noah?" And Noah picked up on that that threating pitch, frowning at the Spaniard, ready to bite back but they were interrupted by Owen and his gross meat burps.

The day went on, and Noah could tick getting slapped by Leshawna off his list, and Heather definitely could. Noah had glowered at his own teammate when Alejandro didn't hold back on hitting Cody off the podium, far harder than he had needed to. After the winner was announced, the two sat together in the snow, waiting for the others to clean up, Cody clutching his burning cheek and Noah burning holes into Alejandro's back as he buttered up Leshawna even more.

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