Jamaica me sweat

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The tour went on, and Noah managed to stay in longer than he ever thought possible. Amazingly, all of team Amazon was still standing, and up until the plane had crash landed in Jamaica and broke Izzy, Noah's team had been full too.

The crew were out of fuel and money, and everybody was still standing awkwardly on the beach after the events of the day. DJ had been shoved in a cab for the airport to head back to Canada, and Noah stared at Alejandro's stupidly toned back, trying to decipher why the guy had spent all day sucking up to DJ, then not even say goodbye to the soft jock. The way DJ had flown off that track, Noah knew Alejandro must have tampered with it. He suspected his time was coming up too, the way that Alejandro treated him, unfortunately too smart to not notice how Noah felt about him.

For once in his life, Noah was glad about Courtney and her insane demands, and somehow with the help of her lawyer, she'd made Chris fork out for motel rooms out of his own pocket for them all.

Really, that meant a team to each room, which was cramped as hell, but better than nothing.

They'd spent the night steaming from the humidity, and Noah ended up on the floor willingly from the melting heat radiating off of Owen. Not to mention his crying from losing his girlfriend and Noah comforted Owen as best as he could. True, he thought Izzy was nuts, but they had somehow worked. Truthfully, he kinda hoped they'd get back together.

The next day was spent with more milling around as they waited for the cash influx, and it wasn't until early evening that Noah got to speak to Cody at last.

"Hey, you busy?" Cody was standing over Noah as he lay face down on a towel in the sand.

"Very." Noah replied back.

"Oh. Ok. Sorry, I'll leave you be." Cody went to leave.

Noah groaned and turned over onto his back to look up at the brunette. "Sarcasm, Cody. No, I'm pretty free right now. What's up?" He glanced around the beach, seeing Tyler and Alejandro playing with a football, and Gwen relaxing under a parasol, but for once, no Sierra in sight. "And where's the nutjob?"

"Annoying Chris or something, so come with me quickly before she comes looking for me." Cody tugged Noah up by his arms, doing his best to pry Noah's lax form up from his slouching.

"Oh-Kaaaay." Noah relented, joining Cody, letting him lead him back along the beach. "Where are we going?"

"The plane." Cody answered simply.

"What? Why that hunk of junk?" Noah groaned, thinking Cody's idea of fun was pretty far-fetched sometimes. He thought they were gonna go somewhere exciting, they were in a different country after all.

"Just shut up and trust me." Cody sighed, side eyeing him and swinging open the door to the plane.

Noah glanced around to the others, nobody taking any notice of them. "Urgh, fine." Noah gave in, his curiosity getting the better of him and following the brunette inside.

Cody didn't say a word as they snuck through the corridor and Noah thought they were heading for the First-Class Cabin, or maybe even Chris's secret section with the hot tub, but instead, Cody stopped at the hatch for the plane's hold.

"We're going in there?" Noah didn't see the appeal of a stinking room of junk.

"Yep." Cody shot him a cat-like grin before disappearing into the darkness.

Noah sighed, wondering why he went along with this charade. Oh right, because Cody was cute as hell and he was hoping for a kiss out of this. He'd even settle for a hug. He crawled down the hole after Cody, also asking why they didn't just use the door from the outside. Once down, he blinked in the darkness, reaching out for Cody. Noah panicked when his hand grasped nothing, Cody out of sight and touch. He was freaking internally, for a moment scared that Cody had turned on him, and that this was some sick prank.

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