Gladiator Fight

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  Beep... Beep... Beep...

  "Ngh. My helm," Husk mumbles as his optics flutter open and he sits up, groaning, as he rubs his helm. He looks around the hospital room then looks down to see Idominous asleep with his helm on his arms as he slumps over the bed.

  "Oh good. You're awake. I'm Ratchet and I'm just gonna check on you to make sure you're doing okay," the medic in training comes in and checks the IV by the bed.

  "Where are we?" Husk watches, speaking in a soft voice. He wasn't sure how to react but didn't want to upset Ratchet from doing anything.

  "We're in a hospital in Iacon. What is the last thing you remember?" Ratchet sits on a chair next to him. He tries to give a smile but it ends up as a strangled look.

  "I remember going to the medical center near my home then a mech chased me down a street then....... a flash of pain and darkness," Husk pulls his knees up to his chest, hugging them close.

  The movement stirred Idominous awake and he yawned as he stretched out. He looks at Husk and smiles gently, rubbing the smaller mech's helm.

  "Hey, buddy. How do you feel? Any pain?" Idominous cups his cheek, examining his face carefully. He eases himself onto the bed to have easier access to cuddle Husk.

  "I'm okay, daddy. I'm scared though," Husk whimpers softly and leans against him as Idominous pulls him into a hug.

  "I've got you. No one is gonna hurt you," the older mech kisses his helm as he rubs his back.

  "Where's big brother? How long have we been here?" the smaller mech asked softly, glancing over at Ratchet who was typing something on a datapad.

  "About a week now. Megatronous is training with the gladiators but I think he fights today that's going to be on TV," Idominous picks the remote up, glancing over at Ratchet as he stands up.

  "Everything looks good so you just need to rest. I'll check on you in about an hour. Um, what kind of food do you like?" Ratchet rubs the back of his helm, tucking his datapad under his arm.

  "Something simple please," Husk nods, snuggling into his father, as he watches the TV turned on. He tilts his helm curiously as he watches the channels flip through until the gladiator fights show up.

  "..... and now coming into the next fight is our current reigning champion of the ring, Salvo of the Insecticons!" the announcer was saying when they got to the channel. The cheering was heard as well as chants of Salvo's name.

  "Nasty things, Insecticons are. Don't ever mess with them, kiddo," Indominous warns, pulling Husk closer to him.

  "He looks mean," Husk latches onto his father as he watches the Insecticon pump his fists as he comes out into the arena.

  "And his opponent is a new gladiator who seems to easily climb through the ranks, despite being a gladiator for only a week, Megatronous!!" the announcer calls and the cheering increases as Megatronous walks out into the field.

  "Big brother?" Husk watches with wide optics as Megatronous holds a hand up and seems to tap the air as if to tap something. He brightens as he recognizes the motion of his older brother touching his forehelm as his sign of affection and starts tugging on Idominous' arm.

  "You okay, kiddo?" the older mech looks down at him and tilts his helm as his son looks excitedly up at him.

  "I think he knows I'm watching. That's the forehelm touch! See? Big brother is so cool!" Husk happily watches Megatronous face Salvo.

  "Such a unique sign. Makes you wonder which fan Megatronous hopes is watching him fight," the announcer muses as a bell rings out, signaling the fight to begin.

  Salvo screeches as he charges at Megatronous, hands flexing his claws out, as Megatronous pulls his sword from his back, adjusting the shield on his arm. As the Insecticon pounces at him, the miner uses his shield to deflect the claws and swings his sword in an undercut motion, slicing a deep scratch on his opponent. Salvo screeches as he claws at the shield, trying to push Megatronous back while using his weight to force his opponent back. 

  Megatronous grunts as he starts skidding back on the ground. He hooks a leg around Salvo's leg and pulls hard, shoving a shoulder into his chest. Grunting, he forces the Insecticon to fall hard onto the ground and lets out a startled yelp as his opponent slaps and rolls on top of him.

  "Tell me something, miner. Shall I tear you bit by bloody bit?" Salvo snarls, drool dripping from his fangs. He claws at his opponent, leaving gashes. and giddily bites at him, the scent of leaked Energon exciting his hunger to win.

  "How about I show you the true strength of a real gladiator?" Megatronous smirks up at him, a trail of Energon dripping down from his mouth, as he twists the sword in his grasp, and slices upwards, cutting a deep slash into the Insecticon's face and making him scramble off of him, he climbs to his feet. He presses his advantage as he flips his sword back into a straight position and stamps a foot forward, shooting the sword straight into Salvo's chest. He winced as the Insecticon dug his claws deep into his arms but held strong.

  Salvo freezes and slowly looks down at the sword, Energon dripping down the sword, before collapsing to the ground with a screech. The crowd was silent momentarily before cheering loudly as they chanted Mega-tron! Mega-tron! Mega-tron!

  "There ya have it, folks! Our new champion, Megatron!" the announcer cheers with the crowd and goes to speak again when Idominous quickly turns the TV off. He looks over at Husk sleeping peacefully, tucked into his side.

  "I hope you didn't see that, kiddo. I don't want you to lose your admiration for your big brother," Idominous whispers as he gently rubs his small cheek. His head jerks up as Ratchet comes back into the room with a small bowl of steaming soup.

  "I have a simple soup since I'm not sure if he can stomach whole food right now," Ratchet sets the soup on the nightstand next to them. He gently checks Husk's forehelm then his wrist for a pulse and nods to himself.

  "Thank you. Seriously. How much do I really owe you for taking such good care of him?" Idominous asked as he watched Ratchet work.

  "Your other son, Megatronous, used what money he's already earned to pay for this. Just rest easy and be here for this son. He's recovering quite well, plus he did wake up today which is good," Ratchet looks over at him. He nods respectively to Idominous and leaves, heading back to the nurse's station.

  Thank you, Primus. For sending me my sons and giving me a chance to redeem myself to them, Idominous closes his optics as he offers up his small prayer to Primus.

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