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san: dicks are so ugly

wooyoung: I KNOW RIGHT

mingi: if you say that then yours should be shit looking too

san: no it's the best looking one

san: i've named him jonathan

san: jonathan is sleeping

san: he hasnt woken up in almost a week

mingi: erectile dysfunction

san: NO. 

san: i need to wake him up today 😋‼️

mingi: i dont want the details i beg 

seonghwa: hi im done with my classes for today

san: no bc why would i find anyone else's dicks nice except for my partner's when i get one

san: like no way i would ne like haghwa has a cute dick would suck def gokgok suck suck yummy semen

san: no ew its saggy as shit 

seonghwa: shut the fuck up 

seonghwa: my dick is not saggy it is a good looking dick for my age

seonghwa: above average actually

wooyoung: grandfather typa dique

seonghwa: bitch 

san: i need tips on how to wake jonathan up

 yunho: dont wake him up for he sake of my poor ears bc youre gonna be sharing a room w me today 

san: even better 😘

yunho: i'll sleep on the couch

san: great i get the whole bed 

wooyoung: my guy david is kinda complicated

hongjoong: why have you all named your dicks 

wooyoung: hes a part of me that gives me life so yes i have named him david 

yeosang: i have seen your pp and it looks like a david 

wooyoung: real he does

hongjoong: whats mine then give mine a name

seonghwa: yours looks like a bob

mingi: NOT BOB 

yunho: hes one with experience dont question his sayings

jongho: hello


jongho: my bro is named steve 

hongjoong: that is such a straight name

hongjoong: unlike you

jongho: so real unlike me but he stands straight when wanting to be fapped 😍

san: leave. 

san: right now. 

san: my mind is going fucking crazy i dont want to see whatever THE FUCK OF AN ABOMINATION IM SEEING OK FOR FUCKSFNDJKENCDKCKJ

jongho: want a pic bAbygrills 😘😘😘😍😂😂😊🥰🤩🤗😋😅☺️😶😑🙂😚😚🥰😍


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