Part 9

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Suddenly while walking past the loud ass speaker, someone taps my shoulder. I look over to see a guy with buzzed hair, and sparkling eyes that sparkle. I just think they sparkle nicely. Wow, not even my thoughts make sense.

"Hi. I'm Jake. You new here?!" Jake shouts over the speaker.

"No! I live here!"

"Oh! Why haven't I seen you around?!"

This guy is not as drunk as I am. I am drunk. Wow.

"Oh, I'm just a loser!"

He laughs. Suddenly I hear a familiar voice. I look behind me, and there he is! There is Adam. Admire. No, Adrian. Adrian sounds like Adriana. That is.. funny. Oh, Adrian!

"Oh, I need to go!" I say to Jake.

"What?! Why?!"

"I need to talk to my friend!"

He looks around me with a false confused face.

"I don't see anybody!"

I smile, thinking he's joking.

"No, Adrian! There!"

I point to Adrian. Adrian looks over. When he sees me he smiles, but when he realizes I'm talking to Jake he frowns. I look back at Jake.

"He's busy! Why don't we go for a swim?!" He asks, taking a step closer.

"Oh, no! I don't-!"

He grabs my arm.

"Come on!" He says, pulling me to the water.

I yank my arm away.

"I don't feel like it right now!"

"Come on! Just five minutes!"

He grabs my arm and pulls harder, so I pull away harder.

"Could you,"

Suddenly someone pushes the buzzed-haired guy, making him almost run into the speaker.

He turns to Adrian. Adrian?! Adrian just pushed a dude! I step back.

"What's your deal, man?!"

Jake pushes him back.

"She said no, dumbass!"

Suddenly the buzzed-haired guy punches Adam- Adrian, right in the face! Adrian falls to the ground, but gets right back up, tackles the guy to the ground, and starts punching him! What the actual fuck?!

Suddenly I feel someone grab my arm and pull me away. It's Melody. She looks scared. I look back and realize there is a whole group of people surrounding them, and they're just tackling each other like idiots on the ground! People's phones are out, flashlights are on. I am so screwed if this ends up on the internet.

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