Obito | Protection

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Obito x Uzumaki! Male reader

Obito never leaves the village; Minato and Kushina are much older than canon death

Reader is Naruto's older brother, forced to take care of the newborn after their parents perished tragically.

Angst; fluffy ending

Not requested

~A few days after the funeral~

Y/n took Naruto home to their small apartment. It was the only thing he could afford after Kushina and Minato died. Y/n rocked Naruto to sleep, and laid him in his crib.

Only being fourteen, Y/n was left alone to take care of the newborn. Obito, Y/n's current best friend, asked if he needed a place to crash for awhile.

Y/n refused. He couldn't bare to intrude on Obito's family, as they hated him for being gay. Obito didn't care about Y/n's sexuality, but the village surely did.

Many were disgusted by Y/n, but his parents always protected him. Now, Y/n had no one to protect him, but he had to protect Naruto.

A loud knock came to the door, and a loud voice shouted. "Y/n!"

Naruto started wailing at the loud noise, when Y/n had just put him to sleep. Y/n picked up Naruto and rocked him, as he went to the door of the familiar Uchiha.


"Shush, Obito." Y/n hushed the loud 14 year old.

"O-oh... Sorry..." Obito nervously, but quietly chuckled. "I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out."

"I can't Obito... A newborn takes all day and all night to watch. I won't be able to hang out for awhile."

"You could get a babysitter." Obito pointed out.

"Yes, but babysitters cost money Obito. I have to save the money for when I do missions. Then I use the Ryo I get from the mission to pay the babysitter, pay rent, buy baby formula, and with a bit of hope and prayer, I'll have enough money to buy something to eat for myself." Y/n spat out, a bit angrily.

Obito didn't take it personally.

"I'll do missions to help out." Obito offered.

Y/n slowly shook his head. "Obito... You can't..."

"Huh? Why not??"

"Obito... It'll make it seem like we're a couple... And that means you look gay..."

"So?? Why does it matter what it looks like?"

"Obito, can I be honest?"

"Of course!"

Y/n bit his lip. "Obito, you're my best friend, but I've always wanted to be more than best friends... I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I gained feelings for you..."

Obito's eyes went wide at the confession. "Y/n... I don't... See you that way..."

Y/n's heart shattered, he was going to lose the only friend- only family he had.

"I'm sorry that you couldn't make friends because of me. So... I think it's time we split ways, Obito... For good." Y/n murmured, heartbroken.

He expected it, but damn did it hurt.


"You don't have to make me feel better Obito. Just go on and hate me like everyone else, okay? We can just act like we never knew each other... It's better that way." Y/n softly smiled, as tears ran down his face. He closed the door. "Goodbye Obito.."

"Y-Y/n..." Obito whispered, as he went home miserably.

"You're all I have, Naruto..." Y/n whispered softly. "And I hope you won't hate me too..."

~Six Year Time Skip~

Naruto was in ninja school, and Y/n was going to pick him up. Obito was asked to pick up Sasuke. He obeyed and did so.

Obito froze when he saw Y/n, now 20, holding six year old Naruto. Y/n looked mature, and a bit... Hot.

Obito's face flushed red. Sasuke was pulling on Obito's pants leg.

"I wanna go home!" Sasuke whined.

"Uh, yeah, gimme me a second." Obito jogged over to Y/n. "Hey—"

"Sorry, am I in your way sir?" Y/n questioned.

"Sir...? Y/n, it's me, Obito! It's been awhile—"

"Sorry, but, I don't know an Obito." Y/n lied.

Y/n couldn't admit that he missed Obito. That his heart still pounded and made him feel so happy and giddy.

"Y-Y/n... Please... Talk to me... It's been six years..." Obito whispered.

"Hey! If big brother said he doesn't know you, then he doesn't! Bug off!" Naruto stuck his tongue out at Obito.

Obito got a tick mark. "Little—"

"If you have nothing else to say, sir, then I must go."

"Meet me at training ground 6 tonight... Please..." Obito whispered.

Y/n carried Naruto home, not giving an answer.

~Later that night~

Obito had been waiting for an hour. He assumed Y/n wasn't coming, and headed home.

"P-please stop..."

Obito ears perked up when he heard Y/n's voice. He immediately followed his voice.

"Come on, little gay boy. Let's just have some fun~"

"I-I don't want to..."

"It's easy~ take off your clothes, and I'll give you good night. Isn't that what your gay ass wants anyways?"

"N-no... Go away..."

Obito walked upon the scene of an older guy trying to take off Y/n's clothes.

When did Y/n become so... Weak?

"Hey." Obito harshly glared at the man touch Y/n.

"Oh, Uchiha! Help me pin this gay dude down, would ya?"

Obito's eyes went red, as he punched the guy pretty hard, and sent him flying.

"Fucker." Obito growled.

Y/n was trying to pull down his clothes, while avoiding looking at Obito.

"T-thank you..." Y/n mumbled, as he stood up on his own.

"Y/n... What happened to you...?" Obito questioned softly.

"Why does it matter?"

"Because I miss you, Y/n! I care about you!" Obito snapped.

"But you don't love me, so why the fuck does it matter?!"

"I'm still your friend aren't I!?"

"I don't have friends." Y/n stated.

"...What will it take to get back into your life, Y/n...?" Obito bit his lip. "I'm willing to do anything... I'll marry you, if that's what you want!"

Y/n was shocked. "Obito... I won't force you to marry me... It'll put you on my level, and everyone will hate you too..."

"I don't care if everyone hates me! You're all that matters, Y/n... These six years have been terrible... Seeing you around, but never being able to talk to you... It broke me... I'm willing to do anything. Anything to be able talk to you again..."

"You'll marry me... Just to have me back in your life...?" Y/n eyes watered.

"I'll marry you, because I love you." Obito mumbled. "I'm gay for you."

Y/n eyes widened. "Obito..."

Obito gently kissed Y/n's forehead. "Marry me, Y/n Uzumaki."

Y/n flushed. "I-i will..."

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