Chapter 7: Counterparts

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After Hunter and Mina started out their relationship, many girls around them became green with envy.

Especially, the popular b*tches who were the leaders that were in charge of managing Hunter's "fanclub".

The next day when she was alone in the hall, Mina became the target of three girls from Hunter's "fanclub." Fueled by disapproval and perhaps a sense of possessiveness, they approached her with the intention of expressing their opinions about her relationship with Hunter.

Girl #1: You know Hunter would never take someone like you out before...

Girl #1: I don't know what he sees in you, girl. What did you do to him?!

Girl #2: Yeah, we've seen all the girls he spoke to before.

Girl #3: Well, answer us! Why is Hunter paying so much attention to you?

Girl #1: You don't belong here and you're not welcome to date him.

Girl #1: Marcel deserves someone better. We don't approve of you.

The bullying continued as the girls aimed to undermine Mina's confidence and question her worthiness of being with him. Hunter, having returned from the restroom and catching wind of the confrontation, decided to intervene before Mina had the chance to respond to the harsh words of the girls from his supposed "fanclub." He decided to say something before Mina was about to verbally defend herself.

Hunter: He asserted. Girls, that's enough. It's not your business who I decide to date.

Hunter: I expect this whole "fanclub" idea of yours to come to an end. I never wanted anything to do with it.

Girl #1: Jeez, you don't have to be so mean about it...

Girl #1: We never understood why you paid so much attention to her. She's nothing special.

Hunter: So what if I did? You had no right to degrade Mina for what you all said.

Hunter: I'm tired of what you're all "labeling" me as.

Hunter: It's no concern of yours who I'm interested in nor who I befriend and date.

Hunter: I don't appreciate the rumors you spread about me being a heartbreaker. It's just not true.

Hunter: I like Mina and your opinions about us are irrelevant.

Hunter: Got it? Now apologize!

The girls, dumbfounded by Hunter's response, exchanged glances with each other. He had made it clear he wanted no part in the obsessive fanclub that had contributed to his undeserved reputation. This surprised both Mina and the girls, challenging the false narrative that had been created around him. As Hunter took a stand against the rumors and the toxic fanclub mentality, Mina felt a wave of relief and appreciation for his honesty. The confrontation, which initially seemed like an attack on her, had unexpectedly become an opportunity for Hunter to dispel misconceptions and assert his genuine intentions. The girls, without saying anything else, apologized.

Turned out, Hunter was genuinely nothing like how most girls portrayed him.

Him given the reputation of a heartbreaker and a ladies' man were nothing more than  nasty rumors. 

While Mina finally found someone special for her, so did Bridgette.

At the same time, she also found someone she liked.

Her no-nonsense, fiery personality and bold looks had captured the eye of one guy.

Brock Cress.

As Bridgette enjoyed a night out at a nightclub after a cosplay shoot, little did she know that she had caught the attention of someone across the room. Brock Cress, a tall and dark-haired stranger with white olive skin, observed her from a distance. He had a rugged demeanor accentuated by tattoos on his arms and he was contemplating whether to talk to Bridgette or not.

Brock: He took out a cigarette to smoke and said to himself. Hmm...She looks familiar. Like I've seen her before.

John: Hey, man. I already asked some chicks for a dance and they agreed.

John: Are you down for a dance too?

Occupied with inviting girls to dance, he noticed Brock's attention fixated on Bridgette. Puzzled by the shift in Brock's focus, John followed Brock's gaze.

John: Earth to Brock. What's got your eyes jaded so badly?

John: Ooh, you spying on the stoney crow-headed wolf?

Brock: Yep, it's that girl sitting alone at the bar. Do you know her?

Brock: I'm totally positive it's the first time she stepped to this club.

John: Nah, I don't. But I gotta admit...She's kinda hot.

John: Why don't you talk to her? It wouldn't hurt.

John: Maybe you guys can bond over your intensities.

Brock, deciding to take the plunge, followed John's advice and approached Bridgette at the bar. With a determined stride, he settled into the empty seat next to her on her left.

Brock: He told the bartender. One glass of whiskey, please.

Unbeknownst to Bridgette, who was engrossed in sipping her drink and texting Mina on her phone, Brock prepared to strike up a conversation after he was given his drink.

Brock: Hey, there. Here on a night by yourself?

Bridgette: Uh, yeah. I am. You scared me for a bit.

Brock: Sorry, didn't mean that. I tend to do that a lot whenever I'm intrigued.

Brock: I would like to know more about you. If you don't mind.

Bridgette: If you have nothing dirty or sexual to ask, then ask away.

Bridgette: I'll answer all your questions with complete honesty. I wouldn't bite.

Brock: That's fair. So, uh...What's your name and what do you do with your time?

Bridgette: I'm Bridgette and I'm an anime cosplayer. I didn't go to college, in case you might wonder.

Bridgette: What about yourself?

Brock: I'm Brock and I work as a tattoo artist. Didn't go to college either.

Brock: I knew you were familiar...Were you the one who cosplayed Saber from Fate/Stay Night at a park like 2 days ago?

Bridgette: Yep, that was me. Didn't see you there though.

Brock: Yeah, I had to leave quickly 'cause my buddy John left me with no choice.

Brock: Also, when's your birthday? Mine's coming up in April.

Bridgette: Really? Mine's coming up in April too. On what day for you?

Brock: On the 7th.

Bridgette: Oh my God...Same. I'll be 21. How old will you be?

Brock: 22. I thought I'd never find my birthday twin.

This was the first time Bridgette held such a long and deep conversation with a guy she just met.

As she and Brock talked more, they realized they had so much in common besides sharing the same birthday.

With Bridgette now in Brock's life, he was happy to find someone he clicked with after the breakup with his ex from 7 months ago.

They mirrored each others' pioneer and daring attitude.

In only a few months, they got into a relationship.

They were called the "double trouble" couple by Brock's close friends.

There was never a single lack of thrill whenever they went out to have fun. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2024 ⏰

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