'*:;,.★ Chapter Eight ☆・:.,;*

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The last thing Y/N saw was Dan Heng collapsing on the pavement before her vision went completely black.


"It's all going according to plan."

Leaning back in her chair was a short, petite girl. Her silver curls bounced in a high ponytail as her head darted back and forth between multiple flickering screens. Inbetween her fingers was a pen twirling effortlessly with impressive speed. She examined the scenes unfolding before her with a twinkle of amusement in her silver irises.

"Elio never fails to predict correctly," she snickered, smirking to herself.

"How's Bladie?" a woman with vibrant purple hair was busying herself with a beautifully crafted violin. She had just replaced its old strings and was currently fine tuning their melodies to perfection.

"You should stop worrying, Kafka," the silver haired girl tapped her pen with limited patience on the table top in front of her.

"You know how Blade is. He's a war hungry brute. He'll just bulldoze his way out of there if need be," she shrugged nonchalantly, not a single ounce of worry evident in her tone.

"True, though I'd be more worried about him losing his sanity to boredom," Kafka chuckled softly.

"Okay, then he can go fight the cloudknights for all I care," the silver eyed girl blew an impressively large bubble with the gum she was chewing, a loud pop! audible as it dispersed into nothingness.

"I could use the entertainment."

"Oh, Silver Wolf," Kafka shook her head. "We must-"

"Follow Elio's orders, I know," she interjected.

"It's just his approach is sometimes so... slow!" she whined.

"Barely anything is happening. I thought I could at least get to enjoy a fight today," she sighed as she watched Jing Yuan command his army to take the trailblazers into custody.

"But these trailblazers barely put up a fight! So much for 'heroes among stars' huh?!" she emphasised the quotation with her fingers.

"How utterly boring!" she complained as she slammed her hands on the table.

"It's as Elios said. They'd be caught off guard by the whole ordeal," Katja squinted as she cleaned any remnants of dust and dirt from the varnished wood of her violin.

"Oh yeah, why didn't you tell Blade he would run into Dan Heng during his mission?" Silver Wolf inquired. Her screen now displayed a very restless Blade, who was sitting against the solid stone walls of his prison. She snickered in amusement. He was 100% bored.

"I limited what information I relayed to him. Or else we would have had trouble making him go at all," Kafka explained.

"Right," Silver Wolf sounded rather uninterested in hearing more. The answer was self explanatory. She resumed to relax in her bored state, leaning further back in her computer chair.

"Why go through all this trouble anyways? Sometimes it feels like Elio is taking the lengthy route to things."

"Shortcuts create higher chances for mistakes. One wrong move and it'll all go south. This is the safest and surest way to gain successful results. Besides, I think it's good for Y/N to have time to explore the world a little before we get down to business. And it'll be helpful to have someone on good terms with the Astral Express," Kafka gave her opinion.

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