TIP : 1

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At the Duchess' Office  | 11:00AM

Today was a day where It was peaceful in the Fortress of Meropide, There were no new criminals which probably mean all is also well in the Overworld. But the Duchess thinks otherwise. She was on her office just right above Wriothesley, Laying on her couch as she swings her legs up and down reading her limited edition isekai novel from Inazuma. While Siegewinne entered her room preparing her choice of beverage. "Duchess I came back with your [favorite drink]!" You closed the book as your eyes sparkled, Thanking the melusine nurse helping yourself with your drink. 

"Duchess, did you finish signing the papers in your workload?" You hummed and smiled at her. "Yes, I'm just reading in my free time right now. This protagonist is really ah I can't explain, She's so in denial about being in love with the main character when it shows!" You exclaimed puffing your cheeks in anger. The little nurse glanced at you her mouth parting as she chuckled afterwards. "But... Duchess, weren't you like that in the past with the Duke too?" You stopped as you looked at her, blood rushed to your cheeks as you looked away. Indeed, You acted like that once. 

"You were also very in denial about falling in love with your enemy, Miss Y/N!"  You chuckled at the memory, "That was because... I really didn't think me and him would end up together." You said, Who would have thought? Wriothesley was the last person you thought you'd end up in this world. "Oh, look at the time it's almost Lunch, Miss Y/N!" You smiled and nod. "Is Wriothesley still on his office?" The Melusine nurse nodded. "Well, I'll just bring us food together on his office, You can go first Siegewinne I'll just tidy up my mess here." The little nurse nodded as you stood up and tidied up your place unexpectedly while cleaning up the book you purchased yesterday feel you took a good look at the first and second page, Taking a few minutes to read Its contents. 

Upon reading the first chapter of the book, Your eyes twinkled again rushing to the Cafeteria to see Siegewinne happily eating her meal with some inmates. "Duchess, It's good to see you!" All of the people greeted you as you gave them a smile and nod. "Duchess you are here, What do you want for lunch I will prepare it right away!" Cuistot said but I held my hand up to stop him. "Hold it right there!" The chef looked at you in confusion as you grinned at him, He suddenly felt an ominous feeling making him shriek as he nervously faced you. The burning determination in your eyes making it worse. 

"Tip One: The way to a Man's heart is through his stomach." 

You clasped your hand as you smile, "Alright, It's decided! Cuistot I will be cooking my husband's meal today!" You said as you made your way freely towards the kitchen, All of them looked at you their jaw dropping as you skipped your way to the kitchen. Siegewinne, Cuistot and the other inmates were shock. Everyone knows... Everyone knows that you are a terrible cook!

Before Cuistot or Siegewinne could stop you, It was too late. They already heard the sounds pf utensils, pots clanging on the background. When the two of them went to check what happened you were already in the floor having a laugh at yourself. "Ooops... hehe?" You said hands on your nape rubbing it a little shy at the situation. Meanwhile Cuistot and Siegewinne looked at each other sighing before helping you up.

A while later, You were now chopping the carrots and potatoes. Your desire made your eyes lit up in determination while the two only peeked at you at the distance, They couldn't stop you and they didn't have the heart to stop you at all. You seemed happy and focused humming a tune while stirring at the ominous pot in front of you, Which made Cuistot almost faint at the scene. "Hmm.. What's next again? Ah right, Salt!" She said and added a little bit of salt. The little melusine only looked at her worried for Wriothesley's stomach for later.

At the Duke's Office | 1:00PM

As Wriothesley skimmed through the new documents while sipping his tea he hadn't notice that the time had quickly gone by and soon enough it was lunch time, He glanced at the big clock on his office wondering where did you go when around this time you would already be here in his office asking him to go and eat, But surprisingly he never saw your presence. He stood up and fixed his tie before heading out to the cafeteria. Noticing that most of the inmates had gone now since it's almost time for their afternoon work. The inmates greeted him and he only waved and nodded at him back before he sat down.

Just about he was to order something you came out, Holding a tray of what it seemed like food. Your eyes widened to see Wriothesley sitting alone. You ran to him almost tripping in the process he managed to hold your shoulder for support which made you giggle, "Wriothesley!" Wriothesley gave a small sigh, staring at you in pure adoration. "Careful, beautiful." He noticed Cuistot and Siegewinne on the back their face was in distressed and they looked like they got bombed by both Heaven and Earth. 

"I cooked for us! Let's eat!" She said as she smiled, Wriothesley's mouth parted as he looked at the food. He knows his wife can't cook. He sat down, You gave him a portion of food sitting at the opposite side waiting for his reaction. Eyes sparkling as you anticipated. Wriothesley took a mouthful of food in his mouth instantly, his eyes widened.

Not because it was delicious, It tasted bland. But he didn't have the heart to say it was bad when you're anticipating for his reaction. He gulped as he smiled nervously. "It c-certainly tasted like something-" He said upon seeing the almost disappointment in your eyes. "Something amazing l-like a five star meal!" He exclaimed. Your face lightened up as you clapped your hand. As you were about to dig-in your meal, Wriothesley snatched it from you as he quickly ate it. "I'm sorry Y/N, I feel hungry I'm afraid I might finish this myself."

Wriothesley's Guide on how to become a great Husband List.
( a happy wife, a happy life )

1. Always, Compliment The wife whenever she does something, 
whether it may be bad or good. (She's trying her best)

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