Love at First Fright

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Saturday morning. Saturday fucking morning and here I am in line for a goddamn coffee just so I could stay awake in class. This is just the first week of the semester and I'm already tired of this shit and why is this line so damn long? I tapped my foot on the floor thinking I was going to be late for class because some people couldn't be bothered to think about their drink before reaching the register.

"Dear goddess, why is this place so packed?" I heard the guy behind me say.

"It's Vero, she somehow got a job here over the break and her milkshake bringing all the boys to the yard." His friend, a little red haired girl, said and they both laughed hysterically, only stopping when they noticed me staring at them.

"Can we help you with something?" The first guy asked with his dog ears getting ruffled.

Crap. Sometimes I forget that people think that my staring is a challenge.

"No, sorry. I was just wondering why the line was so long too." I said, lowering my head a bit, which seemed to throw the guy off. Of course, It wasn't common to see an alpha essentially submitting to another alpha. But I've never been a common alpha either.

"It's fine... I guess we both went home for the break?" He said now in a more friendly manner, his black ears relaxed on his curly black hair. The line advanced a bit. "I'm Parrish." He introduced himself, holding out his hand and I shook it.

"And I'm June!" The girl said wagging her tail enthusiastically and that's when I noticed how similar they smelled. Like pack members, it must be nice. I also noticed the pretty freckles sparkled across her face, some of them even matched in color with her short red hair.

"Darius." I shook her hand too, being dragged upfront by her hard grip.

And in true dog motion she asked. "Do you wanna hang out later?" Still holding onto my hand. I slipped my hand out her grip and took a step back when the line moved, putting some necessary distance between me and the girl.

"Umm, maybe..." I didn't want to be rude but dogs, like all canines, tended to have intimidating large social groups.

"Next please!" I heard a high pitched voice and turned to see the recipient.


A bunny. A small, cute and round bunny girl. My tail started to swing left and right, and I had to physically grab it to stop it from moving because this girl was cute and every bone in my body was screaming at me to pounce on this unassuming adorable bunny.

"Can I take your order?" She asked in her tiny soft voice still looking at the screen.


I heard my alpha practically shout at me, which he never does. He doesn't even speak, he stopped trying to give me suggestions when I stopped listening to him. But he seemed determined with this girl because she was so cute and, and very scared. Her long and very soft looking ears had dropped flush to the side of her head, almost disappearing, melting on her white hair.

She was definitely terrified but I couldn't stop staring at her. I've never seen a bunny before, aside from the bunny porn magazines my friends had in highschool. She looked very different from the small and dainty girls in those magazines. She was meaty and even taller than I expected a bunny to be.

"Can I- Can I take your order, sir?" She asked again, this time staring directly at me. Her cheeks had a cute blush on them.

You're scaring her. Stop it!

Was I scaring her? My brain finally caught up with my body and I realized that I was flashing my red eyes at her. I immediately closed them and lowered my head but the damage was already done. These are the consequences of not listening to your inner alfa. You're more prone to lose control of the little things. Like forgetting you're a very intimidating alpha wolf in front of a small delicate bunny.

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