Two Stones One Bird

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I didn't really have a plan on where to go or what to do when I left the apartment. I sat in my car, going through my, very short, list of contacts for about five minutes, before inevitably calling Veronica.

"Darius!" Her cheerful voice coming through my phone was enough to draw a smile on my face.


"Are you feeling better? You and Parrish didn't kill each other when I wasn't there, right?" She joked and I heard giggles on the other side of the line.

"Yeah, we're fine, I'm fine. I just got... temporarily, kicked out of the apartment. Do you wanna go out?" I asked, already starting the car to get out of the parking lot.

"Well, I can't say I'm up to going for a walk... the coach was a total asshole today and I can barely move my legs." She mumbled that last part bitterly. "But you can totally come over if you want to!"

"Yeah! Tell him to come!" I heard someone shout at the distance and more giggles.

"Shut up! He's not coming to see your ugly ass." She yelled back at that person. I placed the phone on speaker over the console.

"That's because he hasn't seen it yet! Just wait 'till he gets a taste!" There was more yelling and muffled fighting sounds until I heard a door shut.

Maybe we should just stay here. Seems more safe.

"Sorry about that. Are you coming then?" I didn't answer straight away. I really understand why Parrish doesn't go near that house, honestly if it weren't for Vero, I would never set foot near that place either. It always seems like someone's about to get killed there, but staying in the parking lot, alone, possibly until night time, didn't seem like a good idea.

Veronica sensed my hesitation so she threw a counteroffer. "Lindsey is out with her girlfriend so you can stay the night if you want to."

Okay, let's reconsider.

Staying out in the cold air, alone or snuggling with Vero and her soft, warm boobs. "Okay, I'll be there in a few." There wasn't much to reconsider. I started the car and drove out of the parking lot, listening to Veronica's happy squeaks.

"Great!" Seeing Vero was worth the risk of getting stabbed. Besides, if something were to go down, I'm sure Vero will keep me safe.

"Hey! Is he coming over or not? I need to know before I waste my time shaving!"

"I told you to shut up or I'll claw your eyes out!" I heard one last angry scream before she hung up. She'll keep me safe... probably. If she wasn't too busy stabbing someone herself.

I don't know what happened before I got there but everyone stayed clear of me. Whatever Veronica said or did even got Denise, who was the one pushing Veronica's buttons on the call, to merely wave at me politely from the hallway.

"Is that good?" She asked and I nodded. She's been feeding apple slices since we sat on her bed.

"Are your legs still hurting?" I asked, squeezing her thigh. She squealed and slapped my hand away.

"Yes, and my back is killing too. I'm totally gonna miss practice tomorrow." She put the lid back into the container with the apple slices, and placed it on the nightstand.

"Wasn't missing practice what got you into this problem in the first place?"

"The coach is a son of a bitch. It's not my fault professors forget we have a life. And so what if I missed one practice? I'm not the only libero on the team." She complained, massaging her leg. "I'm convinced he just likes to see me suffer..."

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