Daddy & Mommy Issues

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Tommy and I were at the library, continuing the project we were assigned. We were having strongly different opinions on how to proceed with the writing of the code.

"Darius, this isn't an efficient way of solving this problem." He was complaining because I patched a glitch without really patching it at all. I sort of just put a bandaid on it.

"I know but it's a temporary fix and the professor won't notice." I said, typing into the laptop.

"He'll notice! The patch only works for the first run when he tests it again it will all crash."

"He won't test it again." I sighed. That much was true, this professor was known for that.

"How do you know?" He frowned.

"Because I've taken classes with him before and he never does. Trust me."

"Regardless, we should do it the right way."

"Tommy, this is my last semester and I just wanna pass." I finished inputting the code and was about to hit send when Tommy snatched the laptop from me.

"No! I want to learn how to do this right!" He started deleting the whole thing.

I'm going to kill this kid.

"Tommy, give me back the laptop." I got up and grabbed his arm. He shielded the laptop from me.

"No!" We struggled over the damn thing until Jay stepped in. Right, I forgot to mention that he was here too, acting as Tommy's bodyguard.

"Easy, Darius. I think you should listen to him." He grabbed my arm and held me back as Tommy deleted all my hard work.

I'm going to kill them both.

"Fuck! Tommy, no! Let go of me, asshole!" I was trying not to be too loud because we were still in the library but the shushes the librarian gave me let me know I was failing.

Jay is stronger than what he looks, by the time I got out of his grip Tommy had deleted it all and turned off the laptop. I was pissed but we were at the library and I didn't want to make a scene. There were a lot of people here today and everyone seemed to be focused on something important.

"Tommy, now we have to do this all over again." I whined, turning on the laptop to see an empty coding sheet.

"Now we can learn how to do it properly." He countered. Jay was laughing his ass off.

"Why are you even here? Don't you have shit to do?" I squinted my eyes at him, completely giving up on the project for now.

Jay has been attached to Tommy like a leach since the last time we saw that weird alpha on the street. I knew it had something to do with him but I also knew they wouldn't tell me even if I asked.

"My only responsibility right now is making you miserable." He winked at me. I rolled my eyes and turned to Tommy who was aggressively typing on my laptop.

I doubt he's making any actual progress.

He could be, he is smarter than me, after all.

"Tommy, get up. We have to go." Jay said, getting up to grab Tommy by his arm. He seemed spooked all a sudden.

"But I'm-"

"Tommy, now." He started collecting Tommy's things and his eyes darted up to the person walking this way. The same alpha we saw last time. I started picking up my stuff as well and Tommy whined.

No matter how fast we picked our things we were going to bump into the guy anyways. Jay seemed to really not want that to happen and Tommy didn't look so bright the first time we saw him.

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