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The very next day in Elizabeth Schmidt's School, Elizabeth sat by herself and drew her drawings alone in the corner. All while Michael Schmidt sat beside an older woman and man, in the Office of the Principle. They were all conversing, but Michael was dead silent, watching as the Woman spoke.

"I don't trust this Man with the custody of a mentally il-" The Principle quickly snaps her fingers, cutting the Woman off in an instant.

"Jane. Elizabeth isn't mentally ill." She snaps back, as she watched as Jane Schmidt rolled her eyes.

"Sure, it's normal to just stay silent. Drawing pictures and talking to imaginary people, who do not exist!" She goes on in a sarcastic way. The Principle sighs and rubs her nose, as she felt stressed.

While the Principle was trying to explain that Elizabeth Schmidt was somewhere on the spectrum and how that wasn't a mental illness, Jane Schmidt simply talks over her. Her mouth turning into a sad frown.

"And after what he did! To that poor Man..." Jane cried. Grasping some tissues and wiping her eyes. Michael Schmidt sighed, rolling his eyes. It was so clear she was being hysterical for hysterical sakes. Such fake cries, that no tears came down her cheeks. A pathetic, manipulative display, to get what she wanted.

"I've heard enough. Doug." Jane signals for the Man beside her, a Lawyer, to get out his legal papers. But he seemed dazed. She then snaps her fingers and repeats herself. Suddenly waking him from his daze.

Aunt Jane's Lawyer quickly scrambled in his legal papers. Swiftly collecting the right one and giving it to Michael Schmidt beside him.

"In your heart, you know this is the right thing to do. I hope that you will sign it." Jane Schmidt said, with her sympathy act gone. As if she had just forgotten it when it was no use for her any more. The papers were for Michael to sign his Sister's custody to her. He then subtly looks up to her. Feeling pent-up anger on the inside. He was great at hiding his true feelings.

"And if I don't?" Mike calmly asked. Only for Jane to harshly huff in frustration that she wasn't getting her way this instant.

"Then my Lawyer and I will have to take you to Court. Where any self-respecting Judge will see to it, that you never see your Sister again." She coldly spoke, with spite behind her words. Leaving the School behind, with her Lawyer behind her.

After Aunt Jane and her Lawyer were gone, Michael Schmidt and the School's Principle were in one of the Classrooms. Watching as Elizabeth Schmidt coloured in her drawings, alone.

"You know that she doesn't even care about Elizabeth, right? All she wants is the monthly from the State." Michael explained. Turning to the Principle to make sure she understood. But then he sighed to himself and looked back out the window to Elizabeth all alone.

"She makes some good points, though. I'm barely fit to take care of a kid." Michael sadly admits to himself.

"I know a young Girl who would disagree." The Principle said. Pointing out Elizabeth in the Playground, to make sure her understood.

"She doesn't even speak to me. She just is there, drawing pictures. She does nothing else." Mike explained. But the Principle just smiled as he said this.

"Pictures are a window to the mind. To us, it my just look like some fun activity. But to them, it's how they learn and communicate. Pictures resonate with kids." She simply explains. Knowing all the right words that got Mike to look down and softly smile to himself. Subtly looking up and seeing as Elizabeth coloured. No focusing on what she was drawing.

"Who do you think is in nine out of ten of those drawings?" The Principle asked. This caused Mike's smile to grow wider. Finding his motivation to keep fighting for her custody.

"Do you have a Job yet?" She asked. Watching as Mike gave a silent shake of the head. He was out of luck after he was fired yesterday.

"Well. That would be a good place to start." She calmly said. Which Mike nodded in response to. Walking out of the Classroom as the bell ran.

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