Chapter 55

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"Hey everyone." I am trying not to focus on Sage's face, she looks pretty damn radiant this afternoon, even more so than when I saw her an hour ago at the practice and is she blushing? Oh yeah, she is.

"Well, hello Logan." Says her mom and yes she has a glint in her eye. Okay, so everyone around the table knows that Sage and I spent the night together last night. Not only because Sage had to go home early this morning and was caught by her mom, but you know, news travels fast in this town.

It wouldn't surprise me if everyone in Bluebell's knows right now. In fact, Debs comes towards me and nudges my elbow with her free arm, a coffee pot in the other hand. "I hear you had a visitor up in your cabin last night." She winks. I grin. Sage blushes a deeper shade of pink. It's cute.

"Did you now? I can't help the rumour mill around these parts but it's not what you think."

"That's a shame, Honey." Sage's mom says.

"Mom. Honestly." Sage blurts out. "Can we all just stick to topic please, the fundraiser. Have you seen Eliza and Sadie?" She asks me.

"On their way, Eliza is just heading over right now. Who is keeping the agenda?"

"Wow, that's pretty formal." Sage sages with raised eyebrows.

"We need to keep track, darlin' of who is doing what and also the spend against the budget for things like building the float, paying the band that kind of thing."

"You're playing, right?" Her father asks me. I nod.

"Yes, Sir. Me and the guys will be playing a set, we've also got a girl group over from Copper town who are just starting out and want to hit their own indie label. It's kind of exciting for them to play with us."

"I bet." He says. "Good to see you again, Logan." I like her father, we always got on, in fact he and I used to go on fishing trips frequently with my dad and we even had the odd camping trip, you know the guys only.

Ali arrives and takes a seat next to her mother and gives Sage a hug. "So, you were a dirty stop out I hear." She laughs. Sage playfully punches her in the arm.

"Oh. My. God. How many people know I stayed out late?"

"Late?" Ali raises her eyebrows. "I heard from Mom you were at Logan's cabin all night."

Sage folds her arms in front of her and gives an exasperated look, the one that says I knew this would be all over town in a jiffy. I stifle a chuckle because she looks so darn adorable right now.

We hear the diner's bell ring and glance towards the door. Sadie and Eliza enter, Eliza is carrying her trustee red folder that keeps all our records for the fundraiser. I keep telling her to put everything on a USB, but she won't have it.

"Hey everyone. Glad we're all here. Oh, wait one. Logan, where are your folks? I thought they were coming and what about Daisy?"

"I'll chase them up. Let me send them a group message. Deb, can we get more coffees please?" Deb nods from the counter and is straight over with the coffee pot.

Not long after our food is brought out to us, and we all start to dig in. My phone pings and I glance at the screen in front of me. It's my folks and Daisy.

Mom: We're just eating at home first. Be there in twenty.

Daisy: At the Lazy Duke's having a quick beer with Marshal Deacon and the guys. Be there soon if I can drag myself away. 😊 😊

I relay the messages to everyone around the table and message Daisy back.

No need to come over if you're busy with M. Deacon. We can crack on without you. I'll put you down for one of the craft stalls in any case as usual. Give my regards to the Marshall.

Perfect, will do.

And, Daisy, why don't you just tell him you like him, like him and can he get his shit together and ask you out on a proper date? Or why don't you just ask him yourself?

Because, what if he doesn't like me like that?

Trust me, Sis. He does.

I'll think about it.

Okay, well don't think too long, he may get snapped up by someone else.

Shut up, Logan. Speak later.

"Everything okay?" Sage asks as she reaches for her coffee cup. I notice how her eyes sparkle and the way her hair falls over her shoulder. I am trying very hard not to think how she felt underneath me last night, or how good it felt with my head buried between her legs, tasting her nectar.

I can't have a bulge in my pants right now. Especially not with Eliza on my right and Sadie on my left.

"Yeah, all good. My folks will be here soon they're finishing up eating at home and Daisy is with Marshall Deacon."

"Those two, honestly why haven't they got it together already?" Sage says. She has a point, they've been dancing around each other for a very long time, I mean a few years. One day that man is going to see sense and do something about it.

"No idea but I think some meddling is needed." Eliza winks. Trust her, like she set Sage and I up. "My magic will work on them for sure." She continues as she opens her folder once our plates have been collected.

"Are we all ready?" She asks. Everyone nods and says yes.

"Okay, so I will take notes and minutes. Let's start with the stalls. I've got Daisy on crafts, Sadie on crafts stall two. Sage, you and your ma are on the cake stall, correct?" Eliza is being very officious.

"Absolutely," Sage's mom says. "We'd love to." Sage raises her eyebrows, it makes me chuckle because right now, I am thinking the last thing she wants to do is be involved in the fundraiser but she's part of the practice right now so it's kind of compulsory.

I am hoping she'll learn just how amazing our community is, how we stick together and that what we have here in Willowbrook is unlike anything else she'll find in a big city where she will just blend in again as another number. A nameless person in the throngs of people in the streets.

I steal a few glances at her, she gives me the faintest smile. It makes my heart sing, all I gotta do is convince her to stay.

How hard can that be? 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now