46. R.K.B 19/09.

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Ronaldo's POV🦇

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Ronaldo's POV🦇.

Not paying much attention to the continuous poking at my throat, I give Kymorah my undivided attention.

She's complaining about the baby not coming her due time.

"It's the 18...she's overdue by 4 days"

"Yaa move like dat nuh normal. It's just 4 days Kymorah." I assure her.

She sighs before some enters the car and sits next to her in the driver's side.

"Sukud Naldo" Badz says before pulling off and heading to wherever.

Me and him aren't on speaking terms right now.

Why? Man did a talk all sorts a fuckry while him drunk and if you're wise yuh suppose to live by "the drunk man sober thoughts" saying.

Simply ignoring him, I try maintaining conversation with my fiancee.

"Listen, leave me in the car...I can barely walk." She tells her cousin as the car comes to a halt.

The baby is unfortunately rested directly on her bladder....piss cyaa wull up again.

"Ahh mawd"

"Is your tattoo almost done?" She asks.

"Ye, by next half hour mi can cut."

"Damn, I miss my man" She mumbles.

If mi ears never clean, dat woulda slide pass mi.

Suh real nuh blutclaattt.

"Is it almost done? I wanna see the angel wings." She asks again.

Nuh patience?

She gave the inspo so she knows exactly what I'm getting.

Ago squeeze in har name, but she doesn't know that.

"Yes Kymorah, yuh juss ask that." I chuckle as she pouts.

We continue talking for a while until she had to hang up.

"Tat ya sick yuh fuck, still cyaa believe a wifey seh fi do dis." Ink says as he finishes up, cleaning the tattoo before handing my shirt to me.

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