Life without you

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Peter thought that after making a truce with Venom and Eddie his life would be better. I mean one of his greatest enemies turned on a new leaf and started over for good in another city is a good thing, right? But somehow, it felt like something wasn't right. He started to get dreams where Venom was still here right next to him and they were doing love, when he looked at black things his mind would always travel to the symbiote and fantasized them sharing a kiss and sometimes more.

That's when it strucked him, he loved the symbiote. At first he thought it was maybe feelings for Eddie that just portrayed him as Venom because it's how he saw them most of the time, but no. Eddie was, and still is, very nice to look at, but when he thought about him Peter didn't get those butterflies in his stomach, unlike when he thought of Venom.

Some months after the duo left for San Francisco, the spider mutant started to see and feel his body changing, or would it be more accurate to say he already started to change back when he was bitten, but then it was different, it didn't happen in one go. He started to grow fangs, at first he freaked out, easier to hide your identity as a mutant when your abilities aren't visible. But he soon found out that he could retract them and they weren't visible anymore, that was a relief.
After that his eyes would change from time to time, the first signs were just his pupils getting darker until one morning they were practically black, then one day he felt hungry, a wrong kind of hungry. He didn't want any of the food he saw on the street or on his phone, instead he was craving to just plunge his fangs in some kind of flesh and devour something more alive.

He tried to fight it, his struggles lasted a few days until one evening, after work, he saw a woman in the elevator of his apartment building and it took all of his self-control to not attack her and eat her. Horrified he rushed to his apartment and splashed his face with water. To his surprise and terror, his fangs were out and his eyes became big black orbs. No matter he tried to make them go away without any success until he saw a stray cat out the window, on the emergency exit's stairs, his stomach grumbled and he started salivating. His instincts overpowered his brain and the next thing he knew the cat was tied up by his strings and at his mercy. A moment of hesitation came as his brains and heart didn't want to kill and eat an innocent cat but his hunger was unbearable. He bit the poor animal and he found out that he could shoot acid from his fangs, a powerful acid at that as the flesh beneath the skin only took 10 minutes for the inside to liquify but how those 10 minutes were long to the young man. When he felt that his 'meal' was ready, he drank that forbidden juice. He finally got a decent meal after days of painful of what felt like starvation. The pleasure he took from eating/drinking that was far greater than anything he ever tasted before. After his mind cleared up tho, he was horrified by his actions and freaked out as he just ate alive a cat. He was quick at burying it outside the city, just before his patrol as Spiderman. He managed to be completely normal during those, only some ennemies he fought for the longest felt something was odd with the vigilante but didn't point it out obviously.

Outside of work and patrols, Venom was all he could think of. To try and get a peace of mind, he went to a cheap bar and started to drink himself blind when suddenly this bulky man walks towards him and start to flirt with him, at that moment Peter had a thought, maybe he could try and forget Venom with other guys? His relationship with Mary Jane was officially over since before the truce, since then he hasn't been with anyone.

The thought of having someone ravaging him to the point he didn't think about Venom was enticing, that man clearly just wanted to have his ass by the way he was looking at him, so Peter caved in and  flirted back full force, making himself clear that he was just in for sex.
Next thing he knew they were both in a dark alley not far from the bar, french kissing each other, Peter had his arms around the man's neck and the other's were exploring his body until one started to play with his nipple and the other was fingering him. Moans escaped the young vigilante mouth making the bigger man smirk.

"Who would have thought you were such a slut?" His taunt wasn't truly heard by the other as he just wanted to be taken. Never has he ever felt this good, the alcohol in his system making his mind slow and the lust clouded it. Suddenly he was spun against the wall and the fingers in his ass were removed, he wimped at the loss but soon felt something hot and wet against his entrance, then without warning the entire length went deep in him, to that he let an extremely loud moans as pain and pleasure combined into one but the bulky man put his fingers into his mouth.

"Shut up! You fucking slut, do you want us to be seen?! Wait, I bet that would just rile you up even more." He was angry but when he saw the unfocused eyes full of lust of the smaller man under him he smirked again. But to be sure he put his right hand on Peter's mouth and by such holding him against the wall with his arm, now Peter could have escaped anytime but he simply didn't want to. The other hand held his left arm, being unable to move was thrilling to Peter.
Again without warning the man started to pound his ass hard, now normally for a virgin like him this should be hurting a lot but because of his mutant powers and also probably because he was too drunk Peter mostly felt pleasure, the hand on his mouth stopped most of the noise of his moans but also made breathing hard, the lack of oxygen made him light-headed and gave him a rush of pleasure. His mind was almost gone, he could only think about the pleasure. Unfortunately (I guess?), soon he was filled by the cum of the man, the hot and sticky liquid in him made him feel even more filled and sent him to the edge, making him cum. After that he felt no strength in his legs and just slid on the wall as he was released from the other man's hold.

"Fuck I hadn't had a good fuck in awhile! Here's my number if you want to get off again." The man left his number and name on a paper he slipped in the pocket of the sweater of the man on the ground and like that he left.

That experience opened a whole new world for the vigilante. Every night before and after his patrols he would go and find someone to fuck him senseless. He started to drink every time his heart ached at the thought of Venom or just something that would make him remind him of the symbiote.

One night at a club, he was given lots of drinks as he made sure to look like a slut. Then one guy offered him a big glass of what seemed to be cheap beer and to bottle up with him, who was he to say no? But afterwards he felt light-headed and dizzy, next thing he knew he was in a cheap hotel room with the guy, both naked and now that he noticed it, the guy seemed to be unwell and unkept but since his dick was quite big he didn't mind, judging by the way his ass was sending waves of pleasure the fun already begun. He smiled and just spread out his legs further to get all of the length deep in him.

"No way I stumbled on a real bitch. Oh fuck you look like a hoe in heat! Why did I bother with that drug?" The guy laughed and started to pound the spider without restraints and at some point he started to strangle him as well. Peter didn't know what drug was used on him but mind was fuzzier than usual and he couldn't think straight.
The two fucked all night and it seemed that the 'rapist' was the violent type, bruises, bite marks and blue hickeys littered his skin and clear bruise of hands were visible around his neck.

Peter stayed in bed while the man lit up a joint, the room they were in was small and so the smoke was easily breathable, with the smoke alone he felt himself relax. Why did he never thought of that before? Drugs were often used to forget the harsh reality of life, so why couldn't he use that to forget Venom?

"Hey, can I get a few puff?" As a young adult he did try weed before in parties.

"Sure." Peter took a few breath in and the effects weren't that strong but still present.
"Well I'm out, see ya, if you want to do that again just call me." The man left his number and a name on a piece of paper and left. Peter walked home and slept. The next day tho he freaked out when he saw that certain of the bruises were still visible and not really hideable, however he found out that his webs could hide them like a second skin. After that he just repeated the circle : drink, work, patrols and finally got laid, the only difference is that now he took drugs. Starting small with things like weed and then, after noticing that the effects were weaker on him, stronger ones.

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