New Peter

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The next day, Venom didn't even wait for Eddie to fully awaken to bug him about Peter, it continued until the man just had enough and told the alien to shut up. After showering and getting dressed, Eddie could almost see the symbiote jump impatiently.

"Do we even know where he lives now?" Asked the human while being dragged to the window of the apartment. 

"We do not need Spider's address, we can feel him." Eddie couldn't feel anything but if Venom said he could, he wouldn't question it. He let the alien take control of their body.

"But hey what we're going to say to Peter? Like we're going to show up at his appart like nothing's wrong and just tell him that you've been a whiny bitch who hid the fact that he still had a connection with him?" Demanded the man still feeling a bit betrayed by the late notice of the fact.

"Spider will let us in easily." The way the creature emphasized the 'us' made Eddie feel like Venom was mostly talking about himself and not the two of them as a whole, that was weird because Peter wouldn't want to be alone with Venom thinking about their shared history but Venom was happy while thinking that Peter only wanted to meet him. 

After a few swings they ended up next to Peter's bedroom window and with ease Venom unlocked it.

"If someone saw us they would definitely think we're some kind of creep." Eddie remarked

"Spider won't think that.... Right?" Venom seemed concerned, he has started to understand the human mind a bit better and didn't want to creep out Peter.

"Well, you're the one who said he would let us in without question." Although he said that Eddie was calm, if he said that there was something wrong with Venom he was sure Peter would try and help, after all he was that kind of guy. Upon inspecting the bedroom more, Eddie was taken aback by the amount of black items in it, he didn't take the young vigilante for the black type of guy but what he saw next did creep him out a bit as there was a photo of Venom on the wall, correction, several photos of Venom on the wall.

"Seems like we have a fan here I guess..." While Eddie was taken aback by the pictures, Venom was over the moon and the man felt it.
"Man your relationship with him is going to be weird."

"Shut up. The Spider thought of us, that's what we should understand." Venom didn't like that his host wasn't liking the obvious longing of the Spider. When Eddie was thinking of something to respond they heard someone vomiting in the bathroom and then Peter emerged from it. The two men looked at each other and froze, Peter looked like a mess, he was obviously under some kind of substance, his pupils were very dilated and there was a very strong alcohol sent coming from him, he had hickeys all over his shoulder blade, which were seeable as the mutant was shirtless and had just a pair of short that let the duo see a part of a pink tattoo which most likely was situated on his crotch.

Peter thought he was seeing things because of the shot of cocaine he just had but then he realized that cocaine didn't have such an effect.

"Whaat th---e hell?!" He slurred and staggered as he took a step, he was definitely drunk and was apparently falling as he was the ground getting closer.

"Wow there! You okay?!" Even if he was shocked to see Peter in that state, Eddie tried to catch him but it was Venom who caught him by making a part of himself shoot out of Eddie's body.
"Okay, I know you said something was wrong but this is more than just wrong, this is fucked up. How did he end up like that?" He asked the symbiote.

"We don't know, we just felt that something was wrong with the Spider's body!" Venom was panicking which was new to both of them but then they noticed that Peter was salivating and his eyes were pitch black as he looked intensely at Eddie.

"Why is he looking at me like that?" Venom just shook his head, even if they were close right now, their bond was still weak and he couldn't quite feel what the Spider was feeling. Then unexpectedly, Peter jumped at Eddie with two big fangs out of his mouth and ready to bite the other man, however Venom immediately protected his host by covering him and blocking the vigilante. Soon they were able to get Peter pinned on the floor.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!!" Eddie was full blown panicking, first they found a completely wasted Peter and then he tried to attack him.
"Are we even sure it's really him?!"

"Yes that's the Spider, no doubt about it." Venom was as confused, he did feel that Peter had undergone some changes but he didn't think it was this bad.

"Okay so what do we do with him? We can't just stay like this." Eddie tried to calm himself down.

"First we have to knock him out." Venom felt that his host was going to argue so he took the liberty to do it right away.

"And now what do we do? Is he going to attack again after he wakes up?" The human asked as they got up and put the unconscious man on his bed but when Venom was thinking, they heard a noise, to be more specific it was the stomach of Peter that was grumbling, hard.
"Did he just try to eat me?" Eddie asked dumbfounded while Venom was speechless.

"Maybe the Spider has food in his fridge…?" He wasn't sure the Spider wouldn't try to eat his host once again after he woke up so it was better to find an alternative to Eddie.

"Yeah, let's hope he does." After that the duo went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, finding nothing but 3 whole chickens and what seemed to be a sedated cat in a box on the table, Eddie didn't want to know how it got there. When they heard some noise from the bedroom they took the cat who moved a bit and when Peter came out still looking like before, they threw the poor cat to the Spider mutant who plunged his fangs into the small body that was trying to escape in vain, even as scratches were made on his face, Peter didn't budge and the only mouvement made were his fangs moving into the flesh as well as the cries of the cat, after a while it stopped moving and it looked like the man was drinking the interior of the animal.

Eddie and Venom stood there petrified of what they just witnessed, the human was horrified and wanted to throw up while the alien was in complete shock as this wasn't the Peter Parker he knew, the Peter he knew didn't try to eat people, that was more his thing, and the Peter he knew sure as hell didn't have fangs nor two black orbs as eyes.
"Do you think he's full?" The man asked as the mutant was slowly returning to a more human figure. Venom didn't answer as he didn't need to, they could feel each other's mind and Venom thought that even if the mutant wasn't he was most likely full enough to regain some sanity.

When Peter fully regained his mind and saw the carcass of what had been his meal he knew he had lost control again but then when he looked up he saw both Eddie and Venom who still had a kind of like a head thing coming out of the other and then he knew he screwed up as the memories of the last moments came back.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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