Chapter Twelve: Sickness

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I was looking through some paper work as my father was getting older he enjoyed passing his responsibilitiesto me whichalways made me sigh but he took educating Orion as he would the next Duke of Barnsley, my childern were with my parents when one of the porters came in to inform me that my friend William had the sweating sickness at that I sent some of my qualified Healers to my childern then to William to save him if possible, i ran out of the office to my family and saw my father lifting little Odette in the air causing her to giggle then they looked at me and stopped smiling when I got close and saw my face.

"My friend William has caught the sweating sickness, I have sent healer to him and some to Our William and Edward to make sure they are well but we are lucky those boys have brought in the plumbing system I created and the second medical college, you will all need to take the special medication the healers are going to prescribe."

I said with tears because I knew that William, my friend, was going to die, and I did not want him to die.
That night I held my childern as I wept for my friend but held on my childern as they held in to me.
I wanted to go see him when I heard he died a few days later but my family refused, we had started to hand out supplies and information about what to do to avoid it so this could be brought to a minimum.
Henry sent me letters to make sure myself and the children were well and to also inform me that William is well and had endeared himself to the Welsh people.

*Hampton Court*

Henry was looking at the box from his friend William with sadness, his friend was gone and he did not know what to do, he led Anthony and Charles to his medical cabinet from what Addy had made and given him.
He gave some to Anthony and Charles because he was not prepared to lose his other friends.

Later that week, sweating sickness started in, and Henry was just consulted with a doctor when one of Addy's healers came in, and, on his mistresses, order starts to check his Majesty
Henry smiled because his Addy was always there for him, his childern were safe and prayed it would stay that way.
It was later that he found out that Anne had caught the sweating sickness and was not bothered, but he needed to pretend, pretend it was Addy.
He had made preparations for his son to take after him. His will has been made just in case he does die, as long as his Addy and childern are safe.
He sent Catherine to Ludlow with Mary. He did not want her to die in such a way.
No one deserved that. He knew she would be cross with him if he did let her die in such a way.

Henry was on his own at Hampton Court, very few people around, his healer always there to attend him and the few others around at the kings command.
The King was suffering but Healer gave him the medication made by Duchess Adelaide, he knew not listening to Addy had created this disease, she told him that not improving the sewage system would create a disease, he went to pray and saw things, he knew he had caught it but the healer was determined to make sure he lived.

When Henry was almost caught by someone of his staff who was sick, he took the healer and some uninfected staff to leave Hampton court, he saw Wolsey refused Charles accepted a doctor but a letter from Addy saying she sent one to him, he sent his doctor to Anne as he needed her for his plan and kept the healer with him.
His sons were all well and safe, their areas were less affected, and the healers helped the people.
Addy encouraged him to allow her to send some more of her healers to help the people whom he allowed. The Midlands, Wales, and Ireland were the least affected because of Adelaide, and they knew it.

Adelaide started to send her healers from city to city to help. Her healers started their work of helping the others and burning those that have died instead of burying them.
She made sure that everything was divided and people were taken care of.
Within a few weeks, the sickness was vanishing, and everyone knew it was because of Duchess Adelaide that so many did live, and others that did not were given a good send-off.
Everyone sung her praises and Henry could not help but smile at the happy chatter when he returned to court, he was so worried about Addy but she had managed what no other had and endeared herself even more to the people so much the church sung her praises for her virtue when it was heard she simply did what she thought was moral right and thanked Henry for allowing her to help heal the country which also endeared Henry to the people and considered him a great king.

He rode to the duchy a week later and saw Addy standing there with a bright smile at their childern and ran to her, kissing her praising god for such a woman and that she and his family with her were safe and alive.
Once he left her estates a week after that, it was when he heard Anne has survived,  he kissed his Addy and childern goodbye then he traveled to Hever Castle to carry on his ruse wih Anne because it was all finally gaining some traction and he would see this through to the end.


Sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you liked it 😊

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