Chapter Nineteen: Saving Family

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I was reading a book aloud to Catherine, Odette and my ladies with a few others walking around but I added the actions and noises as well making many laugh with Odette helping on some chapters.
When a picnic was brought out, I laughed but before they ate I offered a pray but one of my people whispers that the food was poisoned, I turned and demanded they dropped the food and saw one of my ladies already eatting.

"Spit it out now."

I said with a shout, grabbing me pursue with my self made poisoned cure, I ran to her just as she grabbed her throat then opened the vial before and poured it down her throat then out my hand over her mouth so she did not throw it back up for a moment and massaged her throat.

"Come on bess, swallow my dear girl."

I said before she did, then passed out. I checked her over seeing that she was now breathing then saw Henry and one of my healers running towards me, Odette ran to my arms before Henry embraced us hard the moment he got to us and pulled us away.
I held onto Odette tightly then pulled away before checking Odette over with Henry, once she was well I looked at the Healer and he nodded that she would be well.

"Are you well, my Addy?"

"Not really, my King. Someone just tried to kill our daughter and my friends but I will send the shadow guard to investigate."

I said whispering the last part in his ear as he pulled me in close then he kissed my forehead.

"I will have a public investigation done as well, I will also had food tasters assigned to all your meals from now on."

"Alright Harry."

I said not going against him, I then left Odette with him, while I checked on my ladies and to check on Bess condition.
Once that was all done, I went to the people that were around to check on their wellbeing which was well received and prayers for Bess.
I knew this was not the Boleyns they would not do something so stupid but some others might want to remove me and have the Boleyns blamed.
I went to Charles as Odette was with her father hunting and found him with Catherine, we entered the audience chambers were we sat.

"I do not believe the Boleyns were behind this."

"What makes you think that Addy? They have more reason then any to remove you."

"That is true, but they would not risk it with how precarious their current situation is, I believe someone wanted to remove me and have the Boleyns blamed. That way removing two obstacles for someone of their choice to become Queen."

That made charles' eyes open wide with shock but then he suddenly went deep into thought and I just watched as he processed everything and then his eyes widened again and I knew he caught on to what I was going on about.

"The Seymours would not do that."

"I'm not saying the whole family is to blame Charlie's, I know you know Lord Seymour very well but you cannot say the same for his son Edward. Everyone knows how ambitious he is and he would have the utmost control if his sister Jane became queen and it would not matter to him that there are other heirs he would remove them as obstacles to place his nephew if she should dain to have one on the throne."


"My guards have already found evidence and several witnesses with regards to this, I do not blame Jane for falling in love with the king anyone would and if she wishes to continue seeing him as his mistress I will allow it as any decent Queen would as he is the King but I would draw the line at harming my family he could have killed Odette and I will not allow that to stand."

"He will not get away with this."

Charles said in rage, Addy is his best friend and that this Edward Seymour thought he could just remove her without consequences.

"I have given you some control of the shadow guard for this matter Charles, they can give you what ever you need."

When I replied he nodded as he was leading he investigation, I left them with a loving embrace before leaving them a few moments later ran into my son William who checked me over telling me he returned with his father and Odette not twenty minutes ago who was in better spirits.
I walking towards the kings chambers when I saw Henry and Odette, he was telling her that he would keep them safe and that she could always count on him which she hugged him and he held her with such tenderness before looking up at me with love.

"My darlings"

I said with a soft voice when Odette looked at me and made grabby hands towards me, I walked forward and brought her into my arms then Henry brought us to his.

"My girls."

He said holding us tightly, we stay like this for a while as he kisses our head.
We started talking for a while about different things we wanted to do and Henry mentioned his reports of the pope excommunication, he asked for use of my armies which I agreed to protect my Henry.
After Odette drifted off to sleep, I left her guarded and my father as we left the room and walked towards my rooms, I could see Henry did not want to go and I could see he wanted to come in but there were to many people around and before he could say 'fuck it' William came up to us to save us from our desire.

"Father, I have something I wish to discuss with you."

William said quietly making Henry nod at him then he took my hand kissed it before whispering good night then left with William.
I smiled at them before walking into my rooms to get ready for the night.

William walked with his fustrated father and tried not to chuckle before they met in a private room with Edward and Charles inside, Henry walked over to his seat dismissed everyone else but one loyal boy.

"What is it William? I was talking with your mother."

"Talking was it?"

William said teasing his fathering making the others laugh and Henry smiled but indicated for William to carry on making William chuckle.

"After talking with Charles, Edward and the shadow guard we have the evidence against Edward Seymour for trying to poison mother and Odette but he also sent some high way men to kill my other siblings, we have taken care of them, his father had no knowledge nor has lady Jane.
We have also discovered what looks to be items for witch craft with your visage on some in some places in your chambers and Queen Anne chambers.
We also believe that the Seymours are trying to get in contact with Mary who has graciously forwarded them to us and King Francis has denied the Pope in his effort to deliver the papul bull."

Henry was clenching his jaw at this news, the only men he could truly trust were in this room and knowing these other men would try to kill his Addy and his Odette made him furious. They were the lights of his life and he would be devastated if he lost them.
He would arrange an accident for Edward Seymour to remove the obstacle and it was almost time to remove the Boleyns, he had made sure others fall for the possibility of him being possessed.
When he had the jousting accident, his Addy healers saved him when his own doctors wanted to leave it to god.
He knew the Boleyns tried to put Elizabeth on the throne while he was unconscious thus usurping Williams place and that of his grandchildren, he already had men in place if that happened again so that William could take over, the Emperor was aware of who William was via Catherine and agreed to support William if something like this happened again.
After they finished Henry sneaked off to give in to his desire of Addy making the others laugh.

"Your father still desires your mother even after all these years, I would not be suprised if you had a new sibling within the year."

Charles said making William and Edward give out disgusted noises at Charles then laughing.

"We will support them but will need to see what we can do to encourage more time together."

They chuckled again and left the room, when William and Edward went back to their rooms they heard moans coming from their mother's room and just smiled but kept walking to theirs knowing their parents will marry soon enough.

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