Chapter Sixteen: A Few Years....

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I was looking over some paper work in my office when I heard giggles coming from the door bringing a smile to my face, I got up from my desk and walked toward the door in quiet steps before ripping the door open to my young childern yelping as the fell into my office.
I could not help but laugh.

"Oh, my darlings."

I helped Orion, Odette, James, Arthur, and Robert off each other.
I helped Robert first as he was five, then Arthur, who was seven, James, who was eight, then the twins as they were nine.
All my childern looked like their father but with a mixture of my eye colour and their fathers but Odette had more of her fathers colour now then mine which I did not mind, I sent Henry regularly letters telling him of their progress and asked how he was doing.
I had stayed away from court because of everything that had been happening with the Boleyns the last few years and did not want to risk my children.
My parents knew this and understood, my father had gone to court in my stead and my father had taken my place on the privy Council to make sure I held my place, he also made sure that Lord Rochford learned not to slander me in the future when he tried to those that would not hear it.
Apparently, Henry reprimanded Boylen for speaking out against the Alden family as they were loyal and had always been before carring on.
I had not seen Henry since Edwards wedding a few years ago to Catherine De Medici but he had been very busy with creating his own church since the break with Rome, he did grieve for the death of Sir Thomas Moore but so did because he was a good man, I made sure to look after his family which they were thankful for.

Anne was made queen and had only one living child Elizabeth, her family had tried to have Elizabeth placed above all others but Henry did not as he did not want to risk our children place according to his letter but we also had Mary living with us after Anne had her removed but Mary was sent to live wih us by Henry instead of young Elizabeth.
She was thrilled to be with us and get to know her younger siblings, but I know she missed William, his wife, and their child Henry as I did but Eleanor was pregnant again which we celebrated.

As I checked my childern Mary came in with a small smile on her face.

"Mary, my darling. They ran away from you again?"

"Yes, Auntie Addy. My siblings are cheeky."

We both chuckled at that before I pulled them all into a hug before we broke apart with my mother coming up behind Mary and chuckled, Mary got up and smiled at her as well as she looked up to my mother and me, we also let her worship the Catholic faith in private as not to go against Henry's wishes.
Our household was loyal. No matter what Boylen tried, they had tried to be rid of me when my youngest was almost two, and we removed the men that tried before sending them back.
My father and Henry were furious but held it in, I knew they were planning something big, and from what I remember from history around this time, Anne would be arrested.
We had talked about betrothel for Orion but my sweet boy had time as did James but James said that since he was to be Lord of Calais that he should marry a French girl and when he was fifteen he would meet other French girls to chose what was best for England.
I did not think Henry could be more proud of him.
Orion stated that he would like to go to Asia for a wife, one who could offer something different for England that had Henrys interest but asked him to wait till he was at least sixteen, which he agreed.
Odette stated that whoever she married had to be as great as her father, and that just seemed to feed Henry ego. Arthur and Robert were too young and had little care for such things, but they looked up to Henry when he was visiting.
He had progress a two years back with Anne, and I could see that look of realisation on her face when she saw that my children looked like Henry.
We could hear her screaming for a few hours, Mary still enjoys hearing the story.
She enjoyed giving me snide remarks, but I knew my children were all legitimate, and I had no reason to be bothered by her or her family.
You could see her face when she saw I was unbothered by it and the knowledge that my eldest sons were married to powerful women with children of their own already or on the way.
I had done what neither she nor Catherine could do and gave my Harry heirs, spares, and the next generation, but she could not prove any of it at this moment, and Henry shut her down at every turn.
She saw that my youngest was two years older than her daughter around the time he was courting her and did not seem impressed but was ignored.
She had summoned me to court several times after that to serve her, but I ignored her every time.
On the eight go, she had the audacity to send guards with it and when I informed them that only the king could summon me and to come back when they had a letter from him and then I would go.

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