Chapter Fourteen - Smoke And Mirrors

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As we began to drive Andy turned the radio on and with our luck, Kiss came on. I nodded my head to the beat and sang along.

"You sing pretty good Dre." He glanced over at me and I smiled shyly but in my head I was spazzing. "You're better though,like, WAY better." I suddenly grew nervous. Andy looked at me as if scanning for something. He'd seen some of my scars and he looked like he was suspicious. I think he'd put the pieces together and know that I lied to them. Lied about being an orphan and about being kicked out of a friends house. He'd make me confess and all the guys would lose trust in me and they'd make me call my dad and I'd get sent back. I told myself this MILLIONS of times, I'm never going back to the bastard, ever again. I felt like he was going to confront me and I waited for the dreadful time to come.

"Do you play any instruments?" He glanced at me again and I swear he was reading me like a book.

"Yeah.." I said a bit unsteadily,"I play guitar, violin and drums. I'm all self taught though."

"Really? That's pretty damn impressive, and are you going to school?"

I shook my head,"Nah, I wanted to start a band but nobody wanted to join me."

"Why not? You're nice, funny and I can tell you're talented. I would start a band with you if I didn't already have this one." I let out a long breath,"Thanks Andy. But I blame it on rumors that were spread and people who can't leave others alone. Of course the rumors were all lies but that didn't stop others from believing them."

"Bullies suck, but think of them like sandpaper. Sure they scratch and hurt you but at the end of the day, you end up polished and they end up useless." I smiled softly,"That's a cool way to put it."

"It's true. Bullies are just people who want to bring others down to their level. So that they feel superior." He chuckled slightly,"You want to know what they use to call me?" He looked out the window, a stupid smile spread across his face. "What?" I waited fro his response.

"They use to call me stick bug just because I'm so skinny and tall. Everywhere I went,'Hey stick bug! Get back to the dump you came from!' Stupid thing was, stick bugs aren't found in the trash." We both laughed.

"Those kids that picked on you must feel pretty stupid themselves. I mean, look at you. You're famous and have three albums out, plus you have a pretty awesome fan base to back you up." I admitted.

"The kids who picked on me are the most likely leading successful lives as garbage men and truckers." We both laughed again and he added on,"Nah, just kidding. I don't know what the hell they're doing." I smiled more. It was comforting to hear that a big role model such as Andy was also bullied but he overcame it and did something wonderful with his life.Then there was silence between us.

One look at Andy and you could tell he was thinking but before I could ask what's up, he parked the car. We arrived at the store.

"You want anything from here?" He asked as we got out and started walking towards the store.

"Nah, you guys like bought me everything..:" I looked at the ground and felt like a spoiled brat again. He sensed my feelings and punched my arm playfully as we walked in and headed for the soap aisle.

He scanned the shelves and picked up a package of soap and two black bottles. One conditioner and one shampoo for his majestic hair. Andy looked at me,"Hey, can you possibly get me some Skippy's peanut butter chunk?" a short laughed escaped his lips and I gave him a smile. "Sure thing." and with that I went off.

I returned with the peanut butter and we made our way to the check out. The cashier was checking Andy out but he just ignored it. He handed me my share of the bags after he paid for them and we started making our way back to the car.

"Ohmyfuckinggod, Lindsey, IT'S ANDY SIXX." as we were walking, two blonds stopped Andy.

"Oh, hey. It's actually Biersack now." He gave a small smile as the girls giggled.

"Oh yeah!" They both chewed their gum obnoxiously and I just wanted to punch them in the face.

"You're SO HOT Andy. Oh, yeah. I'm Melissa and this is Lindsey." They both looked like sluts, that's all I have to say about them.

Andy shifted awkwardly,"Thanks... and Hey." he managed to say. They giggled more.

"so, we were like, wondering, would you come home with us? We're so... bored." They asked flirtatiously and they didn't want to bring him over to play a rousing game of Monopoly.

"Uh, I have a girlfriend. E I'm happy with her, thank you very much." We tried to go pass by them but they blocked our way.

"Oh we don't mind!" The one called Lindsey said but them Melissa looked at me weirdly,"Is she your girlfriend?"

"No! She's just a friend and we have to-"

"Oh! I've seen her! She's on the front cover of this magazine with some guy!" Melissa cut Andy off and searched through her enormous purse. She pulled out a magazine and me and Andy looked at it puzzled,

"A guy named Christian.." She took a look at the cover and my eyes widened. "May i see it?" I asked and she handed it over to me.

Sure enough, the front had huge back letters that read;

'Christian Coma a cheater?!' and right beneath that was a picture of him tickling me at the park yesterday.

"Holy shitttt.." Andy looked at it with just as much shock as I had. I cursed silently and turned to the page of the article.

'Christian 'CC' Coma, (Drummer of rock band Black Veil Brides) was caught having a bit of fun with a girl who's identity is unknown. He ran around Higgins Park yelling about bunnies, (for more picture's go to pg. 32) then he came around to her and tickled her repeatedly. We do not know the identify of this girl but Coma called her 'Rodriguez'. Coma's girlfriend, Lauren Watson, is extremely angry. Has Christan found a new love interest?'

My heart stopped and I looked at Andy.

"So you're dating that Christian guy?" Melissa said still chomping at her gum.

"NO!" I exploded as I noticed flashes and Andy put an arm around my shoulders,"Let's go, people noticed us." He pulled me towards the car.

"Can I have this?" I called out to the girls but they were too busy posing for the cameras and answering questions.

"It's her!" Someone called out and a mob of people with cameras ran towards us. Damnit.

"Are you the girl in the magazine?!" More flashes.

"How did you and CC meet?!"

"What do you say in your defense?!" Questions were thrown at me in all directions and Andy stepped in front of me as I got into the car.

"Andy care to tell us who's the mystery girl?!"

"is she family?!"

"Is she CC's new girlfriend?!"

"What do you have to say about all this?!" I watched Andy through the window and he sighed aggravated.

"All I have to say is that it's none of your damn business. Now put that in your fucking magazine" And with that, he got into the car too.

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