Chapter Sixteen - Conquer Every Crutch

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Two weeks have passed since CC broke up with Lauren. Things have been... Complicated. We're still really good friends (I'm so glad he didnt stop talking to me.) but hes still a bit depressed, even though he claims he's 'over it'. He's talked to me and everyone else about it and he's healing, just very slowly.

I was in my room doodling in the corners of my journal when Ashley popped in.

"Hey babes." He smiled sweetly and I returned it,"What's up Purdy?" Ash just shrugged,"Nothing much, but hey, you know what starts soon?" I thought for a moment,"Tour?" He nodded,"Hell yeah. And we're wondering if you plan on coming with us?"

"Well, I'll come only if you guys want me too."

"Dre, you know the answer to that." He chuckled,"Yeah, so we also start rehearsal tomorrow. You can come if you want. Its starts at 10am." I mulled it over and nodded,"Alright, thanks for the invite man." And he started making his way out,"Oh," Ashley stopped and looked back at me,"Dinners in an hour. We're having Chinese food." I smiled gently,"Alright Ashley-San."

<<The Next Day>>

"HEEEYYY DREEEE! DREEE THE SPRAYYY WHO SITS AT THE BAYYY LOOKING AT BLUEJAYYYYYSS!" Jake and Jinxx came into my room chanting and I buried my head under a pilliow.

"DREEEEE! DREEEE! DREEE FRANCIS RODRIGUEZZZAYYY!!" I lifted my head and looked at both of them through my messy hair,"Why must you add in my middle name?"

"Its cute." Jake smiled innocently,"I've never met a girl named Francis." Jinxx nodded in a agreement,"Exactly, and it did get you up, didnt it?" I rolled my eyes while smiling and sat up, running a hand through my hair.

"You guys act like my own personal alarm clocks." I said while grinning at them and getting out of bed.

"Hey, well someone has too. Now come on. Breakfasts downstairs. Then we gotta get ready and go." I nodded at Jinxx and followed them downstairs.

"Good Mourning Dre." Andy was sitting at the table eating cereal along with Ash and CC.

" 'Morning Dre." Ashley waved and CC greeted me with a smile that made me want to squeal,"Sleep well?"

"Good Morning everyone and yes, I slept like a baby." I smiled and got a bowl and spoon out to join them.

"So I get to see you guys practice?" I sat myself across CC and poured myself some cereal.

"Yupp, so pardon us if we suck." Jake and Jinxx seated themselves to my left and began eating themselves.

"Pshh, you guys wont suck." I took a spoonful of cereal and Ashley looked at Andy,"so what are we practicing?" He thought for a moment and took a sip of orange juice,"We're just going to review tracks before touring." Andy looked at me,"And you have to sign some papers saying you're with us." I nodded.

"And we're also going to Warped Tour this year." CC added.

"Warped Tour!? I've always wanted to go there!" Jake smiled,"Well, now you get too." I fist pumped the air,"Woooo!"

"So, ready to be stuck on a tour bus with us?"

"Totally." All of them nodded in a approval and CC ran to the sink, dumping his dish,"I CALL DIBS ON THE SHOWER!"

"NO!" I ran after him, dumping my dish too,"YOU ALWAYS TAKE TOO LONG ON PURPOSE!" CC started laughing,"IT'S NOT FUNNY!!"

He ran into the bathroom and almost closed the door but I stopped him.

"Hey! I was here frist!"

"But you take forever!"

"Well I won't this time!"

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