Chapter 23: Summer

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As the summer progressed we had more training sessions with the Cullens and tonight was one of those nights. yay. But on the plus side we only had 4 hours of patrol. Two hours at one time and two hours at another. Also we were now only in groups of two so there was still twenty four hour coverage but it was spread out more. Anywayback to training.

When the pack got there the Cullens were lined up differently than normal. They were all standing about equal distance from the pack. None of them were sparing.

"My son, Edward, has mentioned that there is a missing member of the pack." Carlisle started. "There are only eight of you present but there are nine minds." He paused. "We feel it best if there are no hidden members on either side."

Sam huffed and trotted behind a tree he had clothes hidden by. 'Don't come until I say so'. He said in the link. I shifted on my branch. Sam walked out in human form and took his place at the front of the pack.

"All our pack members are present." He said.

"Yes I believe that but we have reasons to believe that you are hiding someone from us." Carlisle took a step forward. "And for this to work best we need to trust each other."

Sam sighed. "Fine." 'Come on down.'

I flew down and landed on Sam's shoulder.

"The hawk shifter." Carlisle said in awe.

"You know the legend?" Sam asked.

"I've done my research."

"Can we continue with training?"

"Of course. Jasper." Carlisle stepped back and Jasper took the lead. The lesson continued like normal except this time Jasper added extra tid bits for me in case I did any fighting.

After an excruciatingly long session we were done. Once we got back to Emily's I shifted back and headed inside.

"He didn't have to call me out like that." I said as I grabbed a muffin. "He could have just accepted the fact that all of us were there. Visible or not."

"You were supposed to stay silent." Sam said, marching into the kitchen.

"I was silent."

"Not enough."

"You can't just turn off your brain."

Sam huffed and walked over to Emily. As we ate dinner, the topic of training came up.

"How does that guy even know so much about newborns anyway?" Embry said through a mouth full of food.

"I don't know but he sure knows what he is talking about." Jared piped in.

"It's probably because he's from Texas." I said. "Texans can be scary when they want to be."

"How do you know he is from Texas?" Paul asked.

"He has a Texas accent." I said simply. I continued to eat but the table fell silent. I looked up and found everyone staring at me. "What?"

"You said he has a Texas accent. So there is more than one Southern accent?" Seth asked.

"Yeah." I said as if it were obvious.

"Well how many are there?"

"Don't ask me. I just know his accent sounded Texan."

They shrugged it off and started eating again. "I didn't know you had an ear for accents." Paul mumbled in my ear.

"I have a small one."

"Clearly." He kissed my cheek and continued eating but moved one of his hands to my leg.

We continued eating with minimal chatter. Soon it was time for us to leave so we said our goodbyes and headed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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