Prologue: A New Purpose

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Central City, home of the fastest man alive, the Flash. In 2014, A Particle Accelerator, created at Star Labs by the infamous Dr. Harrison Wells, who in reality was the evil speedster, the Reverse Flash, had a chain reaction and exploded, expelling dark matter that was absorbed into a storm cloud and it dispersed throughout the entire city. As a result, some people were people, some were brutally injured. Among those injured was a man named Barry Allen. Left in a coma for nine months, he wakes up and finds that the particle accelerator had given him the power of super speed. Unfortunately, others have also been affected by the expelled dark matter and decided to use their newfound powers for evil and Barry and those at Star Labs were left with no other option but to step up and take care of the threat, and that's when Barry Allen became the Flash.

For many months, the Flash has fought and defeated many opponents, both with and without powers and would later discover the truth that Harrison Wells was in fact Eobard Thawne, Aka the Reverse Flash, the very man who fifteen years ago murdered his mother and framed his father for the murder. Once he had discovered the truth, the Flash teamed up with an archer and a flaming man and defeated the man in yellow. In captivity, Eobard Thawne explained to Barry that he could fix what he has destroyed by going back in time to save his mother in return for him to giving safe passage to go back home in the far future. Hesitant, Barry agrees and travels back in time to save his mother's life but in the end, he decided to not save her life, realizing that he already had the life he always wanted and so after a goodbye with his dying mother, travelled back to the present to finish off Eobard. As the fight ended however, Eobard had him by the throat and was ready to kill him along with everything and everyone he's ever loved. Unfortunately, Eddie Thawne, Eobard's Ancestor of this time, shot himself in chest and erased the reverse flash from existence. This caused a chain reaction and a wormhole opened up and began to rip the city apart. The Flash in the end was able to close the wormhole, but it came at the cost of a good friend.

Afterwards, Barry Allen separated himself from everybody and decided to fight crime solo. After some time, he would reunite with his old friends and they would be greeted by a man named Jay Gerrick, who explained to them that the wormhole from a year prior created breaches that connected his world to theirs and his archenemy, a speedster named Zoom was seeking to kill the Flash of their world. Following his guidance, Team Flash fought and defeated those who followed Zoom's orders to kill the Flash. However, they would soon discover that Zoom was in fact Jay Garrick the entire time, or more accurately, a time remnant version of him, who stole the name of another speedster as his real name was Hunter Zoloman. Zoom  then decided to have the Flash believe that the two of them were no so different from each other and to do that, he murdered his father right in front of his eyes. The Flash, overcome with grief and anger, attacked Zoom and was close to ending his life, but in the end, Zoom managed to escape his clutches. Zoom, using the Flash's grievances to his advantage, captured his father figure and held him hostage. He then challenged  the Flash to a race that will decide the fate of the entire multiverse. In the end, Zoom was defeated and was taken away by the Speed Force, a realm that is the source of every speedster's powers.

Although victorious, Barry, still feeling guilt and sadness from his father's death, decided to do what he decided against before, and saved his mother life. As a result, he created what would be known as Flashpoint where everything changed. After awhile, he would realize his mistake and fix what he has destroyed. However, the damage was already done and Barry Allen discovers that many things have been altered, especially when he comes face to face with Savitar, the self proclaimed god of speed. After many encounters, Flash would later discover that Savitar was in fact a time remnant of himself from the future who disowned the name Barry Allen and went by the name Arvan Festus. Despite his efforts, the Flash was unsuccessful to prevent the death of the love of his life, Iris West by the hand of Savitar only that it wasn't Iris, it was actually a version of Harrison Wells known as H.R. who disguised himself as Iris and took her place and died as a result. Realizing this, Savitar kidnaps Cisco Roman, a scientist who worked with team flash to create a weapon that will make him immortal before  the paradox catches him and erases him from existence. He then ventured to the forest outside of Central city and after opening a portal to the SpeedForce, with the aid of Killer Frost, hit himself with the SpeedForce weapon. Unfortunately, he was tricked and the weapon instead freed the real Jay Garrick from a SpeedForce prison. The rest of team Flash then arrive and a fight ensues, which is where the story begins.

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