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Roma POV

My last year, it's my last year at this place thank god. My last first day too. God knows I hate this school with everything in me. I only have one friend and I don't really mind tbh. Everyone here is so fake and full of shit. 

'Dépêchez-vous, je n'ai pas toute la journée ! Tu vas me mettre en retard au travail !' my mom yells from downstairs.

English: Hurry up, I don't have the whole day! You're going to make me late for work!

 I hurry down and meet her in the car.  'Maman, tu ne devrais pas brusquer une beauté comme moi. Avoir l'air comme ça prend du temps'

English: Mom you shouldn't rush a beauty like me. To look like this takes time.

She scoffs and replies in a strong French accent "you barely look any different than when you first awoke, I am sure I could recreate your 'so amazing' look in 5 minutes."  I laugh 'you wish you could look like me' she rolls her eyes 'if you say so darling.' We arrive at school and I give her a kiss her on her cheek and before I can even leave the car my best friend Norman is reaching through my mom's side of the window hugging her. I swear he acts as if it's his mother and not mines. I get out the car and meet with him and immediately he's doing the most complimenting me. he pulls out his phone and take a picture of me. 

I can feel the hall monitors running me down about my top already

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I can feel the hall monitors running me down about my top already. The dress code is full of shit in most schools but mines is surprisingly lenient. But I won't lie I am kinda pushing it with this top. He then takes a pic of my face.

 He then takes a pic of my face

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a bad bitch face card never decline.

"yo send these to me" I say while looking at the pics he took. "I will, lets go before we're late on our first day."

We walk into homeroom and sit beside each other ofc and I just so happen to be sitting behind Billie. In case you didn't know, I've had a crush on this girl since the day I stepped foot into high school. I had just come from France and came to this school. I barely knew any English and she offered to teach me and so I'd be at her house EVERYDAY after school and even on Saturdays. I basically fell in love with the girl and after a while my English got pretty good but I kept pretending like it was still bad so our lessons didn't end. Eventually I couldn't hide it anymore and our lessons stopped, we didn't speak for grade 10 or 11. Doesn't mean I don't miss her every day. And now I'm gonna be sitting behind her for the rest of the year, it doesn't really help my obsession tbh. I still wonder why she offered to teach me though, when I came the teacher made it clear that I didn't know much English but he never said anyone had to help me. She just came up to me one day and offered and ofc when a pretty girl offers you something you say yes. Whether it be lessons, drugs, backsho- you get what I mean....

(This is Billie atm btw)

A/N: Roma is mixed, and Norman is white

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A/N: Roma is mixed, and Norman is white.

(and this is Norman)

 Although Norman knows about my crush, he doesn't know I still like her and I'd like to keep it that way because I doubt he'd ever let me live

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 Although Norman knows about my crush, he doesn't know I still like her and I'd like to keep it that way because I doubt he'd ever let me live. I'm not a bitch or nothing but I refuse to go for a girl when I don't know her sexuality and as far as I know Billie is straight and until I'm proven otherwise I'm not making a move. Norman on the other hand is quite delusional, if Billie even flips her hair a certain way he'll say she's gay as if he's some lesbian expert. And if he knows I still like her he won't let me have peace until I speak to her and I can't take embarrassment so that's never happening.

The rest of our classes go by pretty slow and when lunch comes, we hop in Norman's car and just go to Mcdanals and just sit in the parking lot and eat. I have my own car and everything, but my tire popped and I won't be able to pick it up until next week. After sitting and talking about random shit Norman asks, 'so you going?' confused I reply, "going where?" now he's confused " you haven't heard? There's a party Friday to like celebrate the new school year. Some rich kids are hosting it, I'll go if you go" well it doesn't sound too shit "then I guess we're going."

We head back to school for our last class. Unfortunately, I don't have this class with Norman but I'll survive..... I think. I walk in and take a seat and put my bag in the empty seat beside me. A minute or so goes by when she walks in. Billie comes in, walks towards me and says "someone sitting here, or can I sit" sit on my face? ofc "nah you're good" I say and move my bag so she can sit. " your English is even better then when we last spoke" I smile "all thanks to you" she smiles back and turns towards me "yk you never properly thanked me for that" I laugh "how could I, you practically ghosted me once my English got a little good"  "oh I'm sorry, how about this, there's a party Friday and I'm going, I wanna see you there ok?" "oh you will" I reply resting my chin on my hand not even realizing how close we are when she replies. "oh yeah?" "yeah" she then says the gayest shit I've ever heard "you'd do that for me baby?" I completely froze. Everything about the way she said it turned me on, her voice sounded so flirty and teasing. I couldn't even reply, I thought she was straight. After seeing my face, she just giggled, turned around took out a piece of paper and gave it to me and said. " read this when you're alone ok?" "um yeah I will" she smiles and says, "oh I know you will baby". WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK. the teacher walks in and the class starts, and she just casually takes out a book and starts writing as if none of that just happened.

alr so what yall think? should i continue this or what.

pls add comments and suggestions, i dont wanna make a story you guys dont like. I'll give you guys 2 chapters next time. each with atleast 1,000 words

word count: 1207

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