Chapter 69 Patricide

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An Lianxi looked at the person who suddenly appeared. After the initial surprise, panic suddenly rose in his heart.

"Sixth Prince, why are you here?"

How is Xue Shiye doing?

No, there was only Xue Yunqin. He probably wanted to catch him so that he could threaten Xue Shiye.

Thinking of this, An Lianxi stepped back from the bed and was about to shout outside the room as soon as he turned his eyes. But Xue Yunqin seemed to be on guard, and quickly stepped forward and covered his mouth before he could shout.

An Lianxi stared at Xue Yunqin's suddenly enlarged face.

Xue Yunqin was also looking at him, staring into those clear and beautiful eyes, which were filled with wariness and disgust towards him at the moment.

Seeing this, Xue Yunqin laughed softly, "Sister-in-law, there is no need to be wary of me."

As he spoke, the word 'sister-in-law' seemed to pass between his lips and teeth, and he said it softly, with all the tenderness.

An Lianxi felt a little creepy.

After a moment, Xue Yunqin said again, "Come with me."

If it drags on any longer, it may be difficult for him to escape.

An Lianxi was pulled to his feet with his mouth still covered. Xue Yunqin's eyes fell on his lower abdomen. As An Lianxi stood up, his clothes rose and fell slightly.

There is the other person and the blood of another person.

Xue Yunqin's eyes dimmed, and he glanced at An Lianxi's side face. After all, he didn't use any medicine to stun him. Finally, he spoke softly: "Don't talk, otherwise..."

An Lianxi noticed his gaze and blinked wildly when he heard this, indicating that he would not speak.

But Xue Yunqin did not let go of him and left the room quietly.

On the other side, there was chaos in the palace, the smell of blood filled the air, and the sounds of soldiers fighting and armored weapons continued.

Xue Shiye was merciless. He looked at the crowd of people dressed in black outside the queen's palace and raised his palms to slap them. There was a sound of falling to the ground instantly.

Inside, the palace people were running around.

Queen Xiao stood in the chaos, her eyes filled with dead silence.

Today was originally the day she arranged to force her into the palace, but Bu Chengxiang's people were controlled early. Empress Xiao originally led people to surround Emperor Mingkang's chamber, but she didn't expect Xue Shiye to arrive so quickly, and... the reinforcements she arranged were still delayed.

At this point, Queen Xiao still didn't understand anything.

All her plans were seen through.

A sad smile appeared on Queen Xiao's lips.

Sure enough, Emperor Mingkang never trusted her from beginning to end, so he had already arranged everything and was waiting for her to jump in.

News came from the palace today that Emperor Mingkang was critically ill. This was originally part of Queen Xiao's plan. She thought that Emperor Ming Kang was at the end of his strength and would be unable to resist.

It wasn't until Empress Xiao saw the bright yellow figure standing at the door of the palace with her hands behind her back that she finally figured everything out.

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