Chapter 2: Heated

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Chapter 2: Heated

I got in and dropped off my bags in my room and took the longest and hottest shower. The heat had me exhausted and I was so thankful to be in my room once again. I slipped out of my gray sweaty short shorts and threw them in the laundry basket. My sweaty tank top was next and I immediately ran into my bathroom and turned on the shower. I took a hot shower first but I also ended up taking a cold shower because Coach Jay mentioned that it was good for muscle recovery and he's right. I slowly turned the dial to cold. It was cold as monkey balls but I managed to stay in it for about 5 minutes. After I cleaned up and slipped on a fresh pair of my white briefs I couldn't help but notice how red and dark I turned today being in the sun. I found my favorite Thrasher t-shirt and laid across the bed with my airpods in. I listened to some music and just started daydreaming about Coach Jay. I kept playing the scene over and over in my head with the bar today and how his dick kept touching my butt.

Was Coach Jay doing that on purpose or he's used to being that close to his team? I have no idea but I'm willing to find out. Let me stop thinking about that, I don't know how I ended up with this man on my mind.

Knock, Knock..."Come in." "Hey Jasmine, how's my baby sis doing?"

"Fine, I've started gymnastics camp today and mom took me." "How was practice?"

"It was interesting and fun, but more so interesting to say the least." I smirked.

Jasmine jumped on my bed and just started blasting off about her team captain and how they don't get along and she wishes the coach would remove her from the position. Jasmine is just that girl. She's just like our mom and doesn't take shit from anybody. She will put you in your place and you won't even know it. My baby sister is practically a spitting image of me. We both have the same skin tone, hazel green eyes, and beautiful silky long brown curly hair down to her back. She keeps it braided in the Summertime.

I love Jasmine and I will do anything for her.

"So what cute boy has you daydreaming in the room all day?" Jasmine stated.

"Excuse me?" "I don't know what you're talking about and I'm not into any boys on my team or my school." "I was laying down because I'm exhausted from practice today." "That heat chewed us up and spit us out way too many times." "Some of us aren't fortunate to practice in an air conditioned gymnasium all day." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Have you heard from Dad?" "He literally stood me up today and had me waiting outside." "I had to catch a ride from the new coach."

"No I haven't, but you know how daddy is, he's always busy and forgets things." Jasmine stated.

"That's exactly why I've been asking for a car but it seems like I'm not going to get one this year." long sigh.

"Well if you help mommy with her campaign, I'm sure they will remember that and give you a car," said Jasmine.

"Hell would freeze over before that happens." "It's a no and I've asked Daddy about it several times and he has said No!"

"I'm going to talk to him tonight and see if he will at least let me drive one of the cars just for the Summer." "I know the Mercedes is hands off."

As I sat up in the bed to talk to Jasmine for a little bit, I had an inkling to write in my journal. I waited for her to leave the room and jumped up out of the bed and made my way over to my desk and cracked open my journal.

Dear Journal,

Today marks the first day of Summer for me and practice with the team was great. I got a chance to catch up with my boy Josh and apparently there's a party happening this Saturday at Melissa's spot. I'm thinking about going but I have to make up a lie to Dad and find a way over to Josh's house. I know they don't care for that part of town, but Josh is like family to me and I know his mom, sister, and family members. At times my parents can be so protective of me and I don't like that. I need to be able to show them that I'm mature enough to handle my own and that I make good decisions. I literally waited over an hour today because my dad didn't show up to pick me up. Thank Goodness for Coach Jay sticking around because he was able to give me a ride home. Speaking of Coach Jay, I found myself staring at him on several occasions and glanced down at his crotch area. I really wasn't trying to look but I couldn't help but notice how massive his dick looked in his sweatpants. I even had a close encounter with that snake of his as it touched my ass when I was doing squats. I don't know but I'm sure hoping that I get to have some more time with Coach Jay.

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