Chapter 3: Spend the Night

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Chapter 3: Spend the Night

Wednesday was fast approaching and I hadn't even picked up my books for the Summer. Dad is going to have a fit if he finds out I haven't started reading yet. Mom and I got a chance to spend a few hours together on Tuesday and she took me to the bookstore to get my books. I have to read a total of 3 books this Summer! These weren't easy reads either, they were hardcover thick books and I don't want to be stuck reading these all Summer long. Mom is keen on reading and writing and says that I should always sharpen those skills. She says you never know when you will have to use them. We started chatting a bit and I told her that Dad was considering letting me use one of the cars this Summer for practice because things were picking up with him at work.

"I think it's a great idea Alex, I don't see why not." "You're pretty responsible and respect the house and your family." Mom said.

"I was hoping you would agree because waiting on Dad to come is like waiting on the snow to fall." I said.

We both laughed.

"You know your father is busy." Mom mentioned.

"Yes I know!"

"Did you get a chance to meet Conner last night?" He's such a fine boy and I was hoping you two would hit it off." "You need new friends." mom said.

"Mom!" "I don't need new friends and what's wrong with the friends I have?" I stated.

"Nothing dear, it's just good to increase your circle with like minded individuals." "I hear Conner is getting a wrestling scholarship to Georgetown." "He's thinking of going into law just like his father." mom said.

My mom can go on and on and sometimes I have to tune her out because I'm not forcing myself to be friends with anyone just because they come from a good background and their family is rich. Although I did think Conner was hot and now that mom mentioned him again, I wouldn't mind seeing him again. We arrived back home from the mall and I got upstairs to my room and just opened my journal and started writing. "Dear Journal, today I...."

"Alex, can you help me load these banners and signs into the car.? Mom yelled out.

"Yes ma'am, I'll be right down!" I said.

"Thanks sweetie."

"Hey mom, Josh and I were going to hang out on Saturday night at his house. Can you drop me off?" I asked.

"Have you talked to your father?"

"No I haven't, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind." I declared.

"Check in with him, but I don't mind."

"Thanks mom!"

"So what are you going to do with all these banners and signs?" I asked.

"We are going to start putting them up once we get approval from the election commission." Mom mentioned.

**Phone rings**

"Okay love, I have to run but I will catch up with you later tonight and be sure to check in with your father about spending the night at Josh's house." "See you later and I love you."

"Love you too mom."

I ran back upstairs and finished where I left off on the journal entry.

Dear Journal, today I got a chance to pick up my books for the Summer and I'm not happy at all about reading them. I don't even know which one to start on. Josh and I are supposed to hit this party up at Melissa's place and I'm hoping that Dad will agree to let me spend the night at his house. Maybe I can meet a girl there at the party or have Josh introduce me to one. He's for sure a ladies man and the chicks love him. Well, tomorrow is practice and I have to bring my A game and make sure I get a full breakfast and plenty of rest. Coach Jay is expecting me to do good and I gotta show him. I swear June is going to be a hot month and I better get my ass in gear!

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