Chapter 6: Reunited

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Chapter 6: Reunited

Well July is here and my birthday is coming up in 20 days and Josh's birthday is the 21st. We literally are like twins and it's crazy that we were born a few hours apart. We thought about doing a joint birthday party but I need to confirm that with the parents first. I haven't grasped the fact that I'm about to be an adult! Turning 18 is a weird feeling and I feel like I'm getting much older now and my life is going to change soon. I haven't had time to chill with Conner since our family dinner a few weeks ago, but I sure would like to see him again.

Practice has been great and I feel myself getting faster and stronger each day. Coach Wilson finally came back from surgery and is recovering. He's at practice with us but he's not doing much or a lot of work just yet. We are still fortunate to have Coach Jay with us and I think he may come on as a permanent assistant coach if Coach Wilson can get the school to approve and hire him full-time. I'm sure Coach Jay would love that and he can finish up his degree while doing so.

***Whistle blows***

"Boys and girls line up, Coach Wilson wants to say something to you all." said Coach Jay.

"Yall have made me very happy while I was away and I thank you all for working with Coach Jay as my replacement during my surgery. He's told me nothing but great things from you all and I really appreciate you all sticking to the plan and cooperating." Coach Wilson said.

"We got you Coach, glad you back." said Josh.

Coach Wilson was getting really emotional and looked like he was going to shed a tear. I hope we keep Coach Jay this season personally.

"Coach Jay, thank you for working with my boys and girls and making sure we stayed in practice while I was out. Training is one of the most important things and we needed someone as solid as you on the field with them." Coach Wilson said.

He's solid alright, I can't wait to have some one on one time with Coach Jay. We spent a good part of June together working in groups but I know when the season starts and we travel, he's going to be everywhere with us.

"YO bro, what's the plans for the birthday? Asked Josh.

"I don't know brother, you tell me?" I said.

"We need to plan something together because this is a big milestone birthday for us." "Has your mom or sister mentioned anything about a party for you?" I asked.

"Fuck no, you know we can't afford no party, and nobody's coming to the hood to celebrate either." Josh said.

"Well bro why don't we have a joint birthday party at my house or somewhere close by. We can invite the entire track team and Coaches and a few of our friends and family." I said.

"Now that sounds like a great idea," said Josh.

"I'll talk things over with the parents and get back with you." I said.

Mom picked me up today from practice this time. Normally it's dad, but he got paged into the hospital and has to work a few more hours.

"How was practice today?" mom asked.

"It was great, Coach Wilson is back and he gave an emotional speech about us doing good this Summer and that he was proud of Coach Jay for stepping up and helping out." I said.

"Your birthday is coming up, have you been thinking of what you want to do for the BIG 18?" mom asked.

"Well I was just talking with Josh and both of our birthdays fall right next to each other. He wants to do a party but mentioned that he really can't afford one." "I was thinking if we are celebrating me, can we celebrate him too?" I said.

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