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(All this is mostly a joke and being ironic while also having some hidden criticism in there, I am acting super out of character and shall be like this for the entirety of the awards 😂😂😂😂)

(Rule 2,4, 6 and 7 do not and shall not be followed by anybody and you don't have to follow my main account, I remind you again at the rules)

First of all no Graphic Designing this time because that's too much effort and passion so I'm sorry. 😔 Now let's get on with the introduction...

Hello everyone, it's just Benji and welcome to the basic awards, where everything is generic and boring because people don't like it when you go out of your way to actually care.

So for those who want the basic standard and very safe awards this is the place for you.

Also I will keep this pwieegieeee twwurrteennn for the kiddos (I'm sorry guys mature is lame and stuff)

For these awards you have to follow the community account and just like other basic awards you are now forced to put this book in your reading list and give it an announcement as well even tho nobody wants to do that....

Also follow my main account ALTaccounti cuz for some reason they always ask that.

(Don't do it I'm fr fr just a joke lmao)

Well uh that was it, see you at the rules.

Basic Souls Awards 2024 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now