General Fiction Results

36 5 11

Judge: niaDninja

I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to tagging you people, but I will try my best. I feel the need to warn you at that I am a small child at heart, with the attention span of a squirrel in a pile of nuts.

I kept it basic because it is the basic awards. Changed it up a little because Benji Boy was out doing me, but I didn't go into much details due to having my roasting privileges' revoked.

But first I vent. I was told to keep the judging basic, because this is the BASIC AWARDS. I had one paragraph reviews, because that is BASIC JUDGING for this BASIC AWARDS. Then this man, last second, the day before I have to have my results posted. Announces the Fantasy winners with or more than BASIC review. Now I, the Contest Ninja, look like a slacker.

I am a slacker, but that is not the point.

Anyway. Here is probably the most basic review you will ever receive in your life.


First place goes to Queen of Arrows by @BellOfSilence with a perfect score 50/50

Cover 5/5

The cover was very captivating and dare I say my favorite out of all the stories.

Plot 10/10

At this time I can't see the main plot because it was so early in the story, and because of the amount of action I saw. But I loved everything about this story and I made plans to finish it after I finish judging.

Character 10/10

Robin Hood is my favorite and the part of being the ex fiancé made me want to keep reading but then I remembered I had a job to do.

Fun 20/20

I have nothing negative to say about this story. I. I'm excited to see where the story goes.

Grammar 5/5

I didn't see any grammar issues while I was reading.


Second place goes to Performance by @OlieHartwith with a score of 47/50

Cover 4/5

I feel like I can be a little harsher on you because you know better. My only issue with your cover is that your name is on it. It is difficult to see for your colorblind friend.

Plot 10/10

I was able to see the plot which I assume is a hidden forbidden love.

Character 10/10

It is clear that both your characters are clearly defined. I could easily spot the difference between them not only through dialogue, but through normal text.

Fun 20/20

I hated every minute of chapter 3. But BxB is just not for me. Everything was well written and very (a little too much for a lesbian) detailed. There was tension and plenty of (unwanted) action. You might have won romance.

Grammar 3/5

I hate to do this but I did observe some grammar issues and spacing issues in your story. You also kept slipping into first person. You might have been enjoying chapter three a little too much.


Third place goes to The Mafia's Figlia by @Kmytho with a score of 42/50

Cover: 4/5

The cover seems fitting for the story at hand.

Plot: 9/10

The plot seemed clearly defined by chapter two which sets the tone for the rest of the story.

Character: 8/10

It was difficult to distinguish the characters apart with the dialogue at times. That being said I did enjoy Cassie's character and what I believe to be a protective nature over her mother.

Fun: 17/20

The first chapter seemed to jump around at a fast speed, but I enjoyed the pacing between chapter two and three.

Grammar: 4/5

I did observe a few grammar errors, but it wasn't enough to ruin the story in any way.


Fourth place is Parantap Parashakti: Paving a way for him by @dwarkaratna with a score of 31/50.

Cover 5/5

I enjoyed the colors of the cover and the overall design. Due to being colorblind seeing colors blend into each other is difficult at times, however this was subtle.

Plot 7/10

I'm not sure what the plot is as of this time. I want to say it is how life is supposed to be after the dice game.

Character 10/10

I felt like you did a great job describing the characters and their family trees.

Fun 5/20

It could be due to this story being a part of a sequel but I felt lost at times.

Grammar 4/5

I did observe some minor grammar issues, but it wasn't enough to disrupt the flow of the story.


Before I give my review with last place I felt like this story was at a disadvantage. This was a collection of short story one shots. Some stories were a little depressing, but I feel that was the goal in the end.

Last place goes to Between Facts and Fiction by @Kth_disneyfanatic with a score of 30/50.

Cover 4/5

I am a big fan of flowers and can appreciate the simpleness of the cover.

Plot: 2/10

Due to the book being filled with one shot stories, it was difficult to judge a potential plot. Though every story technically had a beginning, middle, and end it didn't progress with each passing chapter.

Character: 5/10

I was unable to get a good grasp on the characters since they were only present for one chapter.

Fun: 14/20

Due to the stories ending rather on the sad side the overall fun rating was lowered.

Grammar: 5/5

I did not observe any grammar issues while reading the stories.


For the winners either JOIN THE SERVER'S DISCORD or

Add Benji personally on discord it being:


Discord is the only way for now to claim your stuff, until Benji Boy does his job and find a better way.

By the way, if your story is also in the main awards by this score you can see the general idea of what I think of it (if you are in my category). In the main awards we go up to chapter five if you make the finals, so your placement here will not dictate your placement in the other awards.

Also the other awards have cooler stickers. If you are a Pokémon badge collector like myself, got to catch them all.

Thank you all for being brave enough with giving us the time of day.

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