Your all i want 😘

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Pov (Y.N)
"What happened Sam?" I ask as we walk down the beach "She showed me where the toilet was and I went in the bathroom I didn't relises she was waiting for me outside when I came out of the toilet she just kissed me I promise, your the only person I want" he says looking at me "Okay but what about the message you sent me ?" I ask him "What message babe I haven't sent you a message actually I don't know where my phone is I lost it just after you went to dance I though I gave it you to put in your handbag" he says I smile at him "Okay well let's go and find your phone I think I know who has it though" I say "I think I do to" He says giving me a smile. We walk back into the party Jem coming over to me giving me a hug "Are you okay?" She asks "I will be in a minute" I say as I see Megan "Give Sam back his phone now" I shout at her "Who me ?" She asks looking all innocent "Yeah you" I say "I don't have his phone" she says "Megan stop playing dumb I know you sent me that message and I know you kissed Sam just before I arrived upstairs" I say looking at her "Okay whatever he can have his phone back, you just don't know how lucky you are you are you always have anything you want you get and me I don't get a thing nobody looks at me the way they do you" Megan says getting upset "Everything I have I've worked for it's not handed to me on a plate and I'm so grateful to have Sam and all my friend in my life I know how lucky I am" I say she narrows her eyes "Please you've always had it easy everything comes easy to you what have you had to cry about or worry about huh that's right nothing" she says getting upset "Easy what do you mean ? My bestfriend and Boyfriend went behind my back ill say that was something to cry about because it broke me and just because I've always kept it together doesn't mean I'm not upset I just know how to keep those emotion inside because trust me high-school was no easy ride for me and you know that" I say she looks at me "I'm sorry I didn't mean to... it just kind of happened" Emma says "Emma you don't need to explain I'm not angry anymore or upset your welcome to Billie and I'm glad it happened the way it did because I've met my soul mate that why I got so upset early when I saw Megan kissing him" I say looking at her "I'm sorry I'm just a little jealous that's all here you can have his phone back he loves you very much I hope you know that" she says "Thank you" I say taking Sam's phone "Do you want to go home babe?" Sam asks "Yeah if that's okay" I say looking at him "of course" He says "Well come to come on Oakley" Jem says grabbing his arm We call a taxi and go home I pass sam his phone and he smiles.

We go back home to our place and finish the party there with Jem and Oak once "You can stay in the guest room tonight" Sam says looking at Jem and Oakley "Yeah that's fine" Jem says smiling "I'm going up to bed now I'm tired" I say "Okay well go up to goodnight" Jem says "Goodnight" me and Sam say back soon as we get in our room I get dressed before getting into bed Sam soon join me as he puts his hand around me pulling me closer to him "Babe, are you okay ?" He asks "Yeah I just didn't know Megan felt that way that's all" I say he smiles lightly "There a lot that people keep to themselves" he says "Sam are we okay? You've just been a little off since the kiss thing?" I say he looks at me "Were good babe I just feel like you need to take a step back and think about who your real friends are that's two now that have tried something with your boyfriend and ex" he says looking at me "I suppose so Sam if something wrong just tell me" I say his smiles fades "I just feel like sometimes I'm not good enough for you" he says I feel my heart beating quicker "Wait I make you feel like that?" I ask he shakes his head "No you don't, it's how I think I mean look at you babe your stunning and smart and just yourself then there me" he says "No Sam, Your the kindest, smartest and the most amazing guy I've ever met not only are you a gentleman but your also the best boyfriend I could ever ask for your handsome and funny and amazing and I love you with all my heart and as soon as you relises that you will understand just what your worth your worth a hundred of the people on this world and your the most important to me" I say he gives me a smile and hugs me, "Thank you babe" he says as he gives me a kiss. "Now think about what I said" he says smiling "only if you remeber that your more then enough for me you always will be Sam" I say he smiles "Deal" he says "What you said about thinking about my real friends I think Jem the only one that's proved it and Daisy" I say smiling at him "Then that's two good friend you've got" he says as I sink my head into his chest "And of course you and Colby" I say he grins "I love you precious" he says "I love you more handsome" I say giving him a kiss.

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