Part 1

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Everyone's life is governed by an internal code of conduct. Some call it morality. Others call it religion. But Bros in the know call this Holy Grail the Bro Code.

The Bro Code is a living document, much like the Constitution. Except instead of outlining a government, the Bill of Rights, or anything even resembling laws, the Bro Code provides men with all the rules they need to know in order to become "bros" and behave properly among other bros. Top five Bro codes are as follows:

1. Always have your brother's back:  This is the central pillar of the Bro Code. It is the lynchpin holding the entire constitution of the brood in place.

2. Be a good wingman: If someone is making progress with a potential significant other, do everything in your power to give them space and occupy the possible partner’s friends. Be the best possible wingman you can be to make sure that your bro gets the chance to score when they’re wide open for the shot.

3. Be inclusive: Bros don’t discriminate, period. Whether one of your brothers has the bravery to come out as LGBTQ+ or one of your brothers isn’t even a dude in the first place, true brothers are inclusive. The world already has too many people who try to make themselves feel bigger by putting down others, so don’t add to those numbers. You can’t honor the bro code if you don’t respect others.

4. Leave no one behind: If you hit the town with your squad, make sure everyone is accounted for between bars. Bros have a responsibility to make sure everyone makes it home safe, and if you’re only looking out for yourself, you’re not honoring one of the central tenets of the bro code.

5. Don't date or sleep with your brother's ex or their sister. At least, not without their very emphatic seal of approval, anyway. Things can get really messy if you date someone’s ex-girlfriend or family member, even if you go into things with the purest of intentions. As a result, you’re better off just looking for romantic partners elsewhere. This is one of those practical bro-code rules. It’s not that it’s immoral or problematic to date someone’s ex or family member per say, but it just often gets out of hand when things go sideways.

These five Bro codes have never been broken between best friends Kelly Severide and Matt Casey; they took the Bro codes very seriously. But unfortunately, life was about to throw Kelly Severide a curve ball that would possibly ruin his friendship and have him breaking one of the Bro codes, a very big one at that and costing him his wingman.

Kelly Severide whistled as he walked through the firehouse heading to their morning meeting.

"Okay, listen up." Chief Boden announced as he entered the room. "We have a young woman coming here today who is writing an article about heric heroes in the firefighters world. She will be observing us for a few shifts or so."

"You better tell Severide to keep his hands to himself." Capp laughed.

Severide smiled. "Sometimes my hands have a mind of their own." He shrugs.

"Oh, we know." Herrmann chimed in. "Thanks to those hands, I lost a pretty good bartender."

Kelly rolled his eyes. "It wasn't my fault I told her I wasn't a relationship type. I didn't think she was going to go a bat shit crazy."

"That's an understatement." Otis said, as he remembers the girl busting everything in Molly's the night Severide left with another woman. "She was a complete psycho."

"True, but a great bartender." Herrmann shakes his head.

"Well, you better tie those hands down, then, Severide." Boden tells him as everyone laughs. "And I would prefer as much as Lieutenant Casey probably prefers that none of you hit on this woman, and no harassing her either. I won't be happy about it, and neither would Casey."

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