Part 2

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Avoidance was Kelly's solution to get this Stella chick off his mind. As long as she was out of sight, she was out of his mind. He kept himself busy the rest of the day, doing anything and everything.
He was also avoiding Casey; he knew he was going to question why he hadn't been interviewed by his sister yet. He knows he's going to have to go through with an interview, even though she said it wasn't mandatory, but Casey is going to sense something is up if he doesn't do it.

But for now, Kelly was able to avoid her all day; by the time he was done hiding and made it back inside the firehouse, everyone was asleep. He looked into Casey's office, making sure he was out, which he was. He sighed in relief. He went to his office and laid down, thankfully being off for the next two days. He won't have to worry about running into Stella the next two days; he'll just avoid Molly's too, just in case someone invites her there. He knew Otis would, that man was going to do anything to get Stella's attention. And that bothered him; he hated the way Otis flirted with her and she with Otis. Even though he knew nothing was going to happen between the two because Casey said she was off limits to the whole firehouse, that does not stop Otis from flirting with her or Cruz too.

He put the pillow over his face; he needed to quit thinking about her; he hasn't even met her yet, and she has already invaded his head like a catchy song. He closed his eyes. Thankfully, he could continue to avoid her for two more days. He knows he's going to have to meet her, but at least he has two days to prepare himself.

The next morning, after shift was over, Kelly was walking towards his car.

"Severide, wait up?" He turned to see Casey running up behind him. "I heard you gave squad a hell of a workout yesterday."

Kelly shrugs. "It was just a few exercises, not too tough."

"Capp said it was a four-hour workout."

"Yeah so?"

"Why such a long workout? Capp can barely feel his legs."

"Casey, it wasn't that horrible hell in the academy; they had us running drills from sunrise to sunset. Four hours wasn't going to kill him; he'll be fine."

"What brought all this on?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I barely saw you yesterday."

"I had some paperwork to do and other stuff I've been putting off and...

"And killing your guys with four-hour drill workouts." Casey jokes interrupting him.

"It was four damn hours, Casey!" Kelly told him in annoyance. "If any of them have a problem with it, they shouldn't be firefighters. Plan and simple."

"What is up with you?"

"Nothing; I just don't need someone to tell me how to run my unit."

"I'm not telling you how to run your unit; I was joking about Capp hurting this morning. What is going on?"

Kelly sighed. "Nothing; I just didn't sleep well last night."

"Ok." Casey eyed him for a moment. "So I wanted to let you...

"Casey, can we talk later? My head is killing me and I'm exhausted. I just want to go home and get some sleep." Kelly tells him, interrupting whatever he was going to say.

"Of course." Casey replied as Kelly turned away.

Gabby walked up to Casey as Kelly got into the car. "Did you tell him about Stella?"

"Nope, he seemed a little unease about something." Casey watches as Kelly drives off. "I guess he will find out when he gets home. Let's go eat."

Kelly opens his apartment door and throws down his bag. The smell of bacon hits him, and confusion invades him. He knows Casey isn't home yet; he slowly walks towards the kitchen and turns the corner, he freezes taking in the sight before him. The woman that has been invading his mind, the one he was trying his hardest to avoid, was standing, not standing, but dancing in his kitchen in a pair of black boy shorts, her legs on full display. In a matching black tank top, his eyes roamed her ass mostly; how could it not? She was pretty much shaking it as she danced. She had headphones on while dancing and frying bacon.

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