02 | ladies and gentlemen, the filter is back

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 {ladies and gentlemen, the filter is back}

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{ladies and gentlemen, the filter is back}

The three Salvatores woke up to Stefan's phone ringing loudly off the hook. Angelina lying between her brothers decided to kick her younger brother off the shared bed.

"Turn that thing off!" Her muffled screams were heard through the pillow she attempted to suffocate herself with to drown out the blaring ringing sound. Damon smirked at his sister giving her a high five seeing their baby brother groaning on the floor attempting to grab his phone.

"No she's not with me, I came back home." Stefan's voice came muffled for the heretic but hearing those words made her lift her head up seeing her younger brother rush up and pace around the room.

"What's going on?" Damon asked his brother with his eyes still closed but still hearing his brothers shuffling around the room.

"Jeremy called. Elena never made it home last night and Carol Lockwood said her car is still in the driveway since last night." Stefan pulled the blankets off his older siblings who both groaned annoyed while picking up their shared popcorn bucket and pieces of popcorn strewn around the bed and floor.

"Get up both of you." Stefan sighed looking at the two acting like children.

"When I agreed to meet your girlfriend I didn't mean by going on a rescue mission Stef." Angelina rolled her eyes at him.

"Please Angie?" He pouted at his sister who gave into him after that look.

Damon looked between the two gobsmacked. "There's no way that pout and doe eyes worked. Who the hell made you go soft?" He asked his sister who smacked the backside of his head.

Damon muttered a quiet ow which Angelina smirked at.

The trio ended up downstairs to assess the situation. "This has Katherine written all over it" Stefan told his siblings.

"Katherine's in the tomb, trust me Ang and I were the ones that shut her in." Damon told him nodding his head towards her sister who sat back on the couch while the two were standing. Angelina seemed calm and in no rush to save a girl she never met. As much as Stefan told her she's nothing like Katherine, she's heard how the doppelgängers are always the same no matter what. Yesterday hearing what Katherine had said about Elena and her brothers confirmed that.

"She did say something to me right before I shut her in. I thought she was lying." Damon muttered and Angelina tensed looking away remembering those words.

Stefan turned around abruptly at his brother's words. "What did she say?"

"Elena's in danger." He responded. Angelina knew she should've returned the many missed phone calls she had when she had the chance, knowing that he may have had something to do with it.

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