03 | ruler of all that is evil

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{ruler of all that is evil}

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{ruler of all that is evil}

"Hello love." Was heard through the other line of the call.

"Klaus." Angelina's voice had caught in her throat hearing her former lover on the other side of the call. "What do want." She gritted out in anger that he had the audacity to be contacting her. Better yet how did he manage to contact her. Had he already found out about Elena?

"Don't worry sweetheart we will have all the time later to catch up. Speaking of catch up, I think we're long due for one of those.

"And why the hell would I do that?" She asked him annoyed attempting to keep her composure. He knew her emotions just through her voice and this time he wasn't allowed to know how she felt. Not anymore.

"I heard about this one werewolf. A crescent, I believe. Hayley, is it? Word has it that you and Juliette took her in as a child. Need I say more?" He smirked hearing the hitch in her voice hearing Hayley's name.

"Don't you dare Klaus." She threatened knowing what he was implying and Klaus could almost feel her glare through the phone. He merely chuckled at her tone. She was so distracted with the phone call she hadn't realized the two vampires were no longer there.

After a minute of silent contemplating, Angelina spoke up again. "Fine, where do you want to meet." She spoke defeated knowing she wasn't going to get her way with him and honestly anything was better than him coming straight to Mystic Falls.

"That's my girl. How about New York in our cafe at Elsie's. Tomorrow at noon." He told her.

Klaus was toying with her. The number of dates and moments they have spent in that cafe, and he chose there of all places to have his so called 'catch up' with the girl.

'Well played Klaus.' She thought to herself. He knew what he was doing and she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of letting it affect her.

"Perfect, see you then." With that she hung up the phone. In a fit of anger, she blasted a tree, watching as it fell to the ground in flames.

She messaged the one person who she was able to talk to about this situation, no judgment whatsoever.

Juliette 🩰

Where are you?

What's going on?

Have you spoken to Hayley?

I spoke with her an hour ago and she's fine.
What's going on Angie?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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