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The sky was pouring down, heavy rain and wind attacking stray passer-bys who dared walk in such horrid weather. The trees swayed, taunting to tip over, their leaves coming apart and mixing with the cold air. Traveling in this condition was the same as asking for a death wish, and Yunho liked his life, thank you very much. He was wet and cold and a solid thirty minutes away from his apartment, not including the traffic and the storm.

His night class had just ended, hence why he was stuck on campus in this godforsaken weather and not at home under blankets, six feet deep in slumber. It wasn't all bad, thanks to a classmate in his business communications class who lived only a few blocks down from their college with a roofed parking garage. Bless his soul for offering to let Yunho stay until the rain died down in exchange for a car ride home.

Oh, sweet dry land. Yunho would do anything to leave classes where they belong.  For an extrovert, this was the only class he didn't socialize much in. His body understood that it was time to sleep instead of chit-chat, but he familiarized himself with the class, nonetheless.

"Thanks again. I know this was really short notice," Yunho apologized as the two entered. Seoul's Friday night weather dripping on the foyer of the apartment. He did his best to suppress the urge to shake the rain off of his hair.

Yunho and Seonghwa were more acquaintances than friends, so his awkward demeanor was justified. He's usually not at all awkward. At least, that's what Yunho tried convincing himself. Before moving another inch, he stilled on the mat to remove his soaked shoes. He caught a glimpse of Seonghwa's footwear, which mostly consisted of pointy elf-esc dress shoes, a few sandals, and some sneakers, all black. His eyes couldn't help but continue as the black shoes transitioned into thick platform boots, heels, and sandals, all variant shades of pink and some black.


It didn't come across Yunho that Seonghwa possibly had a girlfriend. Not that he couldn't have one. Yunho just assumed that the man was a little fruity and focused more on his studies.

Seonghwa had placed his wet elf shoes next to the other pairs, saving some space so he wouldn't wet the rest of his collection.

Well, fruit or not, Yunho was grateful for his unconditional kindness and dry apartment on this ridiculously stormy day.

"All good brother. I just have this essay I need to submit in like ten minutes. So, I'll be right back. In the mean time, make yourself at home," Seonghwa rushed but still guided Yunho passed the kitchen into the living room. Yunho shuffled his feet, trying to catch up with the older but also respecting the distance he didn't want to invade.

"Oh, and my roommate's sleeping on the couch. If he wakes up, can you give him the meds on the table and force him to drink more than two sips of water, please," Seonghwa exasperated, seemed like something on going between the two. The older took a glimpse toward the couch, jogging backward through the living room to face Yunho to try and be a good host, but his grades were calling to him more.

"Okay. Do I- " Before Yunho could ask anything else, Seonghwa turned around and disappeared behind a white door.

"'I'll be back!" Seonghwa echoed through the walls before the stillness of the living room surrounded him. For a moment, Yunho stood in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do first. He stayed standing, observing his surroundings, trying to see where to wait for his classmate without feeling like he was overstepping.

But the faint stirring of a bundle of blankets on the couch startled Yunho. He immediately stumbled a few steps once a footed sock stuck out, almost knocking him over.

The roommate.

He froze, inspecting the lump, hoping it wouldn't suddenly burst awake. Once the shuffling stopped, Yunho let out a breath, shoulders dropping.

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