Nothing Much

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السلام عليكم ~



"I want to be the main love interest and not the friend who's always healing..."



"I didn't say goodbye to you, I knew you didn't care..

I didn't say goodbye to you because I knew you didn't want me anymore.

I didn't say goodbye to you,
Tell me have you noticed ?"


I simply want to be chosen by someone, not to be an option or some passing by.


"I never force anyone to choose me,
if you feel you can find something better elsewhere,

Than go ahead I'm not holding you back,

I don't want to hold to someone who's not sure they wanna stay

I believe in freedom, in truth of feelings

If you feel you must stay let it be.

Because your heart tells you, not because I asked you to.

I want to be a choice not a default option.

I don't want someone who stays with me out of fear of loneliness or out of habit.

But because they want to and brave enough,

I want someone who Stays"


"I'm happy on my own, I enjoy my company, my happiness isn't built on someone's presence, but on my ability to be happy."


شكرا ~

لقد وصلت إلى نهاية الفصول المنشورة.

⏰ آخر تحديث: Jan 06 ⏰

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