2: Blueberries

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"You dickhead! We're meant to leave next Monday and you still haven't asked Kenny?"

The warm rays of the summer sun pervades the inevitable chilly wind inherent to the little mountain town often called home. This particular day's weather was no exception, exemplified by the lack of air-conditioning usage in the nineteen-ninety seven Honda Odyssey, belonging of course to Kyle's mother, that himself and two others were currently piled into. Earlier that morning, Kyle had recieved a haste text from Cartman requesting they stop by Kenny's house some point during the day. Bring Stan too, was tacked onto the end as a seperate message.

While his first instinct was to tell Cartman to drive his own ass over to Kenny's, he figured wanting all four of them in one place alluded to finally having a group discussion about the quickly approaching trip. The initial conversation shared between Stan and himself outside the administration building was far from the last time anyone talked about it, but Kyle couldn't help but compare it to a game of telephone with all the 'tell Stan that I said,' and 'Cartman told me to tell you,' that was going on. So he here was, with his mother's car borrowed for the afternoon pulled up outside of the McCormick's run down residence, Stan riding shotgun, and Cartman tucked away in the backseat.

"I didn't need to ask Keeny!" Cartman exclaimed, seatbelt already disregarded before Kyle could pull up the handbreak. "Watch, when we get to that door it'll be the first thing I ask him and he'll respond with every synonym of the word 'yes' there is in the English lexicon."

It's a bad day in the office when Cartman starts pulling big words put of his ass, Kyle thought to himself, then releasing his own seatbelt and turning three-quaters to face the boy in the backseat. "So you had me drive all the way here to ask Kenny something you could've-, actually, should've asked him a week ago?" he scalded.

Stan was the first to open a door; an implicit signal to take their argument outside of the minivan and move towards their target of actually conversing with Kenny.

Cartman swifty followed suit, but that did little in the way of stopping his rapport with the vehicle's driver. "We've got more to talk about than just that!" He defended.

"No shit!" Was Kyle's simplistic response, but he couldn't help but feel a tinge of stupidity over the fact he was currently in a pointless yelling match with Cartman on someone's front lawn in the middle of the day.

Light on his heel, Stan gave a quick twist to face the boys behind him, "Guys, can we please at least get inside the house first?" he pleaded, waiting for the others to catch up.

"I'm pretty sure it becomes domestic violence once you do it under a roof." Cartman sassed with a roll of his eyes, while Kyle chose to remain silent in his unified approach of Kenny's front door.

"Do we even know if he's home?" Kyle asked, assuming a spot to Stan's right as Cartman took one to his left.

"We're boutta find out!" Cartman shouted, giving a strong poke to the doorbell infront. Then another poke, then another one, then another, then-,

"For fucks sakes he probably gets the point!" Exclaimed Kyle, swatting Cartman's hand away from the metallic button.

The succeeding silence emanating from the McCormick's residence was unexpected; it usually proved quite easy to overhear a screaming match from within whilst walking past any day of the week.

"Way to go fatass, you brought us out here for nothing!" Kyle groaned, unstraightening his posture and resting a foot on a nearby pot.

Before allowing Cartman to get a subsequent jab in, the sound a window opening prompted the three boys to take a few steps backwards, shielding their eyes from the resulting sun as they peered upwards at the source of the noise. "Haven't you guys figured out that the rusty old doorbell doesn't work anymore?" A familiar blonde face remarked, blowing smoke to be carried away with the wind. "Use the backdoor, guys, I don't feel like opening that one." With that, Kenny ducked back inside the house and closed the shutters.

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