7: Blackberries

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With the final glimpse of the amber sun setting on the first night of the boy's long week ahead, the pervading darkness of a growing navy nightsky seeps out from below the eastern horizon, bringing with it the distant glittering sparkles of a clear, starry atmosphere to gaze up into. Kenny grapped an empty plastic shopping bag from one of their several gas stations stops during the trip here, beckoning the others to fill it with whatever alcohol from their reserves they desired for the night. Kyle had filled an additional one with whatever they snacks they hadn't eaten on the road, while Cartman and Stan collected they would need for the night ahead.

Forgoing the car, the four boys exit the dimly-lit residence to embrace the pleasantly warm night breeze of the outside street; only three or them make a dash for the close descending staircase leading to the long-awaited contact with the beach, while Cartman's forced to pause and lock the house before eagerly chasing after the others.

The persistent undying warmth of the Louisana night presents itself in stark contrast to the bitter coolness that refuses to vacate South Park year-round, even during the alleged hottest of summer days. It's a welcome change. Kenny was the first to make contact with sandy shoreline, the expanse of sand and foliage which had been enticing them since their first view of the fantastic Southern Ocean following their arrival earlier in the day. Stan and Kyle came soon after, spreading out from the narrow stairway into the newfound limitless directions ahead of them. Whatever the phase of the moon it currently was, it wasn't making itself known in the night sky just yet. The shore was dark, with whatever minimal artificial light present on the upper side of the cliff far too into the distance to provide meaningful illumination. Cartman joined the the rest of the boys last, after taking the decent at a significantly slower pace to rest of them.

Despite the mininal viability, Kenny's meager action of pointing his arm to the west is enough to garner the partial attention of the rest of the boys. "There's a bunch of huge rocks over that way," he called out, directing their gazes to his aforementioned subject matter.

"Riverting, Kenny." Cartman responded, now close enough to the rest of the group to be sufficiently heard.

"I meant to sit," Kenny corrected, returning Cartman's deadpan expression in stero. Before their quarrel could extend further, Stan and Kyle had already gotten a head start on migrating to that area.

Upon being noticed, Stan shot the lagging two a wave. "Just remember who has the drinks!" He sung aloud in their direction, triumphantly lifting the expectedly heavy plastic bag of clanging glass and tin up over his head. This sense of competitiveness only prompted the leading pair to move faster, sensing the sudden hot pursuit of Kenny and Kyle in their wake.

It's quickly discovered that the rocks lie further away than initially thought, but they the time they're within considerably relastic eyeshot of them, Kyle spotted something even better. "Look! There's dock thing over this way!" He announced to the duo well his former distance, trudging along after running out of steam approximately fourteen seconds into their speedier pace.

"A duck thing?" Kenny echoed.

"Dock! D-O-C-K!" Kyle echoed back in correction, attempting to point at what he saw.

"Uh Oh, Kyle hasn't had a drop of liquor yet and he's already talking about cocks." Whispered Cartman to Kenny, who let out a laugh so gutsy it completely winded him, and prompted a coughing fit.

Taking a step onto the wooden structure, it appeared to be for small fishing-boat or other types of vessels. It wasn't terribly wide, and the waters it extended out to were decently shallow; definitely not deep enough to entirely submerge anyone. Stan walked out to the very end of the dockside, and only then plopped to the floors leftside with booze in tow. Kyle, who had the snack bag in one hand and a small lantern for light in the other, opted for the right side of the edge, and relished in the opportunity to rest his legs. Their eventual arrival saw Kenny assume a position linear to Stan, and Cartman behind Kyle.

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