Prologue ♡

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Shifa's POV:

I am in my 1st year of my university  and I was going through the portions before a small test and I heard my besties Nahima and Tanisha saying "Delulu is the Solulu" Laughing (i met nahima and tanisha during 11th grade and eventually their stupidity has matched mine, we became super close without realising it) 

I became curious as to know what it was about as I rushed towards them closing my book when their eyes met mine Nahima said "Damnnnn Shifaa u missed a big scenario, we told u to come with us to the washroom but hmph u didn't come along with us saying u gotta revise" and I ask her what it was about and Tanisha started explaining " u know shifana, she has a crush on Shahid" and I gaped where nahima told me to shut my mouth.

Well cuz no one would've thought shifana would like a guy out of all people since she is only focused on her grades and well yeah she was a study bug of our class who is also my deskmate and ESPECIALLY  Shahid who is a cold guy who doesn't give a damn about others and all girls obsessing over him since he is  half arab and he is used to all the girls proposing to him and well uhm he rejects every one.

I was stunned to respond to them when I knew it was Shifana out of all people and I immediately understood why they told me about it being 'Delulu is the solulu' cuz it's Shahid they were talking about and it's obvious what's gonna happen. Tanisha blurted out suddenly "Scene kaaryam thane" *Scene thingyy*. Suddenly the lecturer entered the classroom making all of us return to our seats to take the exam.

After the test, we had PT period (Physical Training) and all of us rushed to the playground. It was Tuesday where  1st & 3rd year were having the playground for themselves. Well since I  and my bestie's know about Shifana's crush towards Shahid who is in 3rd year my bestie's gonna spy on them well yeah it's a habit of my friends to tease the girl and have an eye on both of them.

I was soo focused on my basketball training, many boys tease me about being short and I still want to learn basketball, well people think that I get irritated when they call me 'short' but I kinda like it and I'm used to being called those nicknames.

I was so focused on basketball that I didn't notice Shifana walking beside me and suddenly I froze for a second thinking why she was there.......suddenly it clicked  Shahid had his football court right beside the basketball court. Today the boys had a small competition. I saw Shifana and her gang walking towards the football court when my besties approached me and dragged me with them to the football court even when I said I didn't wanna see a small competition. 

Before the match, a sudden question popped into my mind as to how Nahima and Tanisha came to know about the so-called-crush-thingy,  and I asked them about it there was a pin-drop silence and I saw both of my besties giggling

Nahima whispered to me " when we were going to the washroom we heard shifana confessing to her friends saying she likes shahid while her friends telling they already noticed her staring at him a few days ago and u know whatttt!! when we entered the washroom we noticed Shifana smiling at their response as they noticed us they froze for a second and left the washroom immediately" 

Tanisha continued saying "Exactly bruhh I didn't imagine it but I hope it will work out since Shifana hasn't liked anyone before and it's the first time we gonna hear her being in a relationship, but I doubt if shahid even likes her" and I replied, "well it's none of our business lets not spread this since only we know about it and let's not get in shahid's nerves since u all know how much I hate this guy". 

Nahima and Tanisha scoffs at me saying "Yeah yeah our sweetheart hates him for being an attention seeker" I sighly replied  "Can u kiddos not bring that up" and we heard the announcement for the match.  

Of course, I dislike him when he almost bumped into me and I dodged it damnnn thanks to being a basketball trainy, I was quick to back up for a second or I would've been mocked by his friends, and most importantly, he could've apologized but he and his gang just walked away ughh I hate that guyy!!! The next day, I saw him staring at me, and I thought he was about to apologize for that day, but he just smirked at me and passed through me, making me want to punch his face phew well, it doesn't matter now because I have no intention of getting involved with him. 

I do like football but since he was participating I just didnt want to watch the match but I kept on watching ignoring him when I saw him staring at my side damn he was soo good at football  and he seems too athletic type and his jawline was jus-

'ASTHAGFIRULLAH what am i thinking, may ALLAH forgive me SUBHANALLAH' my inner  mind alerted me and his mischievious smirk came into my mind  when I  told to myself "I take that back about his jawline being a good one, but its good though, ughhh"

I turned to make sure if he was staring at me or someone else and I noticed shifana right behind me, I thought it was only me who noticed it but nahima said  "Damnn he was just staring at this sideee rightt???" tanisha continued "yes yesss he was, for a second I felt like he was staring at shifa but when I saw shifana beside shifa i was stunned

Nahima said "dude but why do i get a feeling that he likes someone else and not shifana, i dont know why but it seems like he was looking at shifa just now-"

i cut them off saying "DUDE seriously u gotta wake up there is no way it was me im pretty sure he was looking at shifana"  We all look back at Shahid, who was already continuing the match and winning, as the crowd cheering him on, especially my besties, almost making my ears a beep sound.

When the match came to an end me and besties were on our way to our classes when I heard Shifana walking towards us saying "Shifa, can I have you guys for a minute?"

~Hope you guys enjoyed the prologue. If you liked it pls do vote and support me🥹🫶🏻~

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