16. ᴀ ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ʙᴏᴜQᴜᴇᴛ

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Geetu barges into my office with a list in her hands, Candidates in waiting list for assistance. She interviewed them because i wanted her to choose a candidate for me.

Especially it was friday so i had a half day work. She told me about the person she chose and showed me her resume and details.

I recognized Shifana from the photo, "I know her, she was my colleague from university" I say, earning a relief from geetu as she states; "That's even better since u guys know each other, i am glad and dont have to worry about the person."

"Yes you can rest assured, and thankyou for selecting a candidate Geetu" i respond squeeling, earning a chuckle from her. She treats me like her sister and i see her as my own since i haven't got any sis apart from my friends.

It was almost 12, but at 11.30 a.m., I gathered my belongings and said goodbye to Geetu before opening my office door to return home. When i was about to take a step forward, there was a bouquet of flowers on the floor.

 When i was about to take a step forward, there was a bouquet of flowers on the floor

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I pick it up: a bouquet of full, fresh white roses. I like it, especially with the black covers. Black bouquet with white roses. A small note in a black card written in golden.

"Where flowers blooms so does hope
Jumma Mubarak Shifa
               ~S ."

I freeze for a second, a secret admirer? or by mistake? Doesn't make sense. I scan the corridor and take a glance at everywhere possible. The door was half open, causing Geetu to notice the unusual bouquet.

I look at her while she approaches me "Ahha Shifa getting a bouquet, that's something interesting!!" She states taking a few glances at the hallway, but didn't find anyone just like me.

She looks at me confused as i brief her that it was outside my door and i didn't show her the note since i guess- it was kinda private. I slip the note into my side bag.

"I feel like this was placed here by mistake." I make a confusing statement. Geetu disagrees, stating there is only my office in this floor and it's not by mistake. Of course my name was mentioned in the note, it was definitely for me. But i can't tell geetu.

She added "White roses......symbolizes purity, youthfulness, and innocence. It also represents Young love, eternal loyalty, and a new beginning. Cool that someone gave you this, isnt it?"

"Uhmm is it...... but why do i get a feeling that it was by mistake..." I respond with half confusion  because as far as i haven't got anything like this.

I place the flower in my office as we suspect maybe it is from one of my clients. And that's when my friends arrived at my office, greeting me and geetu as usual. Geetu left my office to finish her work.

Both of their eyes fixed on the flower bouquet on the side, "Care to spill it out who gave you this sweety!?" Nahimu questions me, both of them with a wicked smiles on their faces.

"See idiots, I'm telling the truth. I really don't know who it is either. I am clueless as you guys are" I respond, as they continue to refuse to believe anything i say.

"Okok well here, this is the only clue i've got, Geetu doesn't know about this." I hand them the note with the black card, and they read it out and gasps mentioning that it even has my name.

"Ahha so someone dared to leave a secret note not revealing their identity Huh" Nahimu scoffs as tanu says it maybe my secret admirer, Still a wicked smile on their face.

"So did you notice anyone after receiving this?" Tanu inquires as i tell i didnt caught on the person yet, and nahimu responds that we can check the camera. I stop them saying "What if it was by mistake? Perhaps one of my clients left it out. Just leave it for now. We'll see if it happens again."

"Ok sure if that's ok with you. If it occurs again tell us, dont hide since i am so eager to know the person behind it" Nahima says as tanu agrees to it. I completely ignore them as if the roses were nothing but the secret message really got on my nerves since it was the first time.

It was already 12.15 p.m. when i said goodbye to tanu and nahimu and drove off to my house. After Jumma was done, I prayed Zhuhr and spent time with my family.


It was Jumma today, and as soon as the meeting ended i rushed over to a bouquet shop. I chose a fresh white roses as a symbol of a New Beginning. I bought the bouquet, placed it in the front seat of my car, and drove to her workplace.

It is my first time visiting her workplace. I've only joined for online therapy sessions so far, but i plan to go face to face soon. But before meeting her directly i wanted to impress her.

I'm not sure why I thought of flowers to impress her before meeting her, but I intend to play cat and mouse duet with her in a halal way just to see her smile as she laughed while reading it.

"Haunting Adeline version in a halal way" I chuckle as i catch myself talking to myself. But i don't want to scare her off right away, so i'll just leave a cute note for now, and eventually i plan to play halal version of cat and mouse.

I drive to her workplace without my chauffeur because i dont want him bothering me and he may  inform my parents telling i finally got an eye on a girl. But first, I'd like to confirm whether she's actually single or not.

Her workplace building.....is familiar, particularly building name. It appears my Princess works in a building owned by my business partner.

I carry the bouquet and enter the workplace but not a single security was spotted there. Well it seems i gotta offer few securities for free to my business partner so that my princess will be protected whenever i am away from her.

The receptionist greets me as i inquire about the location of professional Psychologist Shifa's office, and they provide me with the necessary details as i make my way to her. Placing the bouquet of flower on the floor next to her door.

I go straight to the mosque for Jumma Prayer and meet Ishan there. "So did you meet her?" He asks, as i say yes and tell him about the flower.

"What if they go through the CCTV Camera to find out who was behind the flowers?" He asks half excited and half perplexed.

"Well, she might ignore the first one, thinking it was from her client or someone, but after that, I'll need your help"  I said as i tell him how he can help me by clearing the footage, since he is good at programming.

"Okay and when are you going to plan on meeting her face to face?" Question arises from Ishan as i respond with "Soon".

I only told him about the flowers; i didn't tell him about my plans about cat and mouse duet in a halal way. Even if i say, I'm pretty sure he won't understand until he meets someone with whom he truly wishes to spend the rest of his life.


I lay on the bed, hoping to catch a little sleep. I glance at the clock: 1 a.m. I just finished my office work from home and got my head cleared.

Soon i catch a sleep. I gotta sleep so that i can see her reaction tomorrow. I have a big plan for tomorrow.

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